would like to find a copy

would like to find a copy Thanks [email protected]


A dvd copy is being sold on ebay for £14. The quality is not great but the audio is fine and it's wonderful to see such talented actors at the start of their careers. Wilkie Collins was a true craftsman!


I'll try to remember to check it out tomorrow. If not will have to be when i get back we are leaving for holidays. Thank you for your help.


Don't know if you're in the UK, but our bbfc gave it a certificate in October. It's in 5 parts around 56mins each. I'm just waiting to see a date for release on dvd.
http://www.bbfc.co.uk/website/Classified.nsf/0/F18CBAD1900EA001802574E F004076DF?OpenDocument
Hope this link takes you to the first episode.
