MovieChat Forums > The Gong Show (1976) Discussion > Favorite Gong Show contestant

Favorite Gong Show contestant

My personal favorite is Guitar Shorty. Shorty was a guitar playing truck driver from Houston at the time. He played The Thrill Is Gone and did forward flips while playing and at the very end, he stood on his head while playing the guitar. Watching this will crack you up every time. Guitar Shorty had to be one of the most successful of all Gong Show contestants. He still travels the country playing to this day and has many albums to his credit. By the way, he won the show hands down. I sent a clip of the show to him a few months ago. I don't think he can still do those flips.

[email protected]


I remember a lady contortionist named Christa who could throw her legs behind her shoulders and walk all over the stage like a crab, then wrap her legs around her neck and swing back and forth on her arms! Freaky, and very hot at the same time!!


the popsicle twins


The actual name of the act was Have You Got A Nickel and was a Barris setup to taunt the censors.





My fav by far was The Bait Brothers... two guys inside one huge over-alls outfit, looking like a 2 headed person. one played a mouthharp and both sang and did a little dance ditty.
It was just classic! My second fav is the kid who did the Cinderella story while lying upside down and mouth painted to look like a cartoon character.
There were really some great comic moments on that show.


I was a kid at the time but I used to watch this show all the time late nights on WFLD in Chicago.

One act I thought that was quite hilarious was with this British guy and several guys in scuba outfits. The main guy was talking very fast, the Beatle's song "Octopus's Garden" was playing in the background and the scuba guys were doing bizarre "dances". They were gonged by JP Morgan I believe but it still cracked me up. I'd like to see these old shows again if they exist somewhere. :p


Pat McCormick the big Irishman joke writer for Johnny Carson
was a judge.

This rail thin dude came out in a salmon colored three piece polyester suit,
broken horn-rimmed eyeglasses taped together at the bridge, flood pants and white socks.

This is the most dufus looking nerd I've ever seen ever. (& sorry for the hard core description but w/ all due respect it's accurate.)

He makes confident eye-contact w/ the audience then starts lip-synching and dancing to The Emotions' '60s AM radio hit, "You Get the Best of My Love."
I dug the song as a kid (even tho by the time Gong Show was on I was white punk on dope poster boy.)

So this spazz from planet Nerdtron is doing the most uncoordinated two-step
in the history of television - remember how bad Elaine danced in that episode of Seinfeld? Well compared to this guy she was a freakin' world-class ballerina.

I mean watching this clod was actually painful I'm not kidding - painfully

So camera cuts back & forth between him and McCormick who's got the gong club
in his hands standing by the big round clanger.

McCormick finally gongs the $%^& out of this guy and he actually looks offended
like he couldn't believe he gotten the hook, noisily.

Laughter finally subsides Chuckie baby asks McCormick how he could do such
a heartless thing?

McCormick waits a beat for comedic timing purposes and then says, "He has to get back to his other job ... the Archbishop of Cincinnati."

I fell off the couch.
Sure the popsicle twins are runaway winners in most memorable act ever,
but I still recall this one VIVIDLY. OMFG that was funny.



My fave was a brass ensemble that played William Tell Overture. They ran all over the stage and the arrangement was very comedic. They came in second to some dancer/s I believe.

**these go to eleven **
