Punk is dead....

...and emo killed it.

Seriously though, F emo kids. Finally people are starting to get back to normal, but for a while there it was ridiculous. Before I went to college jocks and tough guys got the girls. Then in college, suddenly the guys that wore girl pants, kissed other guys, and cried in public became the girl magnets. It was seriously beyond me. It seems to have died down a lot, but from like 2005 to 2007 weak ass emo kids got more hot chicks then anyone. Maybe it was just the college I went to, but wtf.

I miss punk....

The guys that would kick your teeth in then get you drunk. The guys that didn't give a F$@# what anyone thought about them. They may have been jerks and anti-social, but they were my friends. I loved the punk scene. I used to go to shows where everyone sang along, got drunk, fought, then left bloody and smiling. I went to a punk show at first ave in Minneapolis this past summer and it was like sitting at a coffee house. Everyone silently judging everyone else.

Punk kids became emo kids...and emo kids became hipsters...


they ruined new york city.

cellar door



Meh......."Emo" kids today aren't all that different than "punk" kids today. Scenes always were a fine line between two things that were pretty much the same.

Every Hot Topic employee is a certified music historian, ask them.


Punk Is Dead

Punk Is Alive

Both are right.

Read more in the excellent book "77 - The Year Of Punk And New Wave"



