I tried to like it

I really did.
The cast was great. Walken and Dafoe are good actors, but they acted like in a commercial. Asia Argento hmmm, her looks reminds me of Juliette Lewis and this is good, she also reminds me my ex which is more than good. Her acting on the other hand ... lets just say it was like watching the paint dry.

This movie could be the kind I like, the one where you have to think and connect the dots. But it wasn't. Even small stupid details like the prototyping PCB are showed up our anuses repeatedly so we don't miss them. CG was horrible, Palmpilots with overlapped shaky C64 graphics.

The director? Well, lets just say he likes Lynch, but cant copy him.

Its sad, I really tried to like it, but it was painfull, and at the end boring.


dude i'm so with you here.

jsut caught it last night while channel surfing i was like Christopher Walken--I'm there! Wilem Dafoe?? He's pretty damn good! i've always been curious what'd it be like if these two went head to head....and aside from the usual Walken brillance (Cole Slaw For Everybody! Its too bad there's not that many people here....a dog walks into a bar, he's wearing a suit and tie, he says to the bartender get me a shot of scotch and some toilet water!...oh yeah those were the highlights for me) However the story never really went anywhere..umm at all...they set it up good...for that first half hour or so i was all with the movie like all right lets watch 'em win this guy over to their team and make a lot of money....

but you never even get to hear from the genius tech guy who they were trying to recruit the entire film! the way they were talking about him at the beg..i kinda figured we'd at least hear from him once or twice....
(unless of course the whole point was for them to be recruiting Mr. Dafoe...i know he's just a plot point but even then wouldn't you think the genius tech guy would have a bigger part to play?)

the worst part is though after the "big reveal" (its not really big at all) we spend the next twenty minutes or so seeing flashbacks from everything that came before pretty much...its like if you missed the entire movie but wanted to know what the hell was going on you could literally watch the last 20 minutes and not have missed a thing (well short of some great walken one liners)

Abel Ferrara is a really good director--he did the king of NY for cryin' out loud! but this was pretty lousy all around....sorry guys... also ummm why did Walken's character leave the film the way he did...i understand that the 2 guys' plans didn't work out good at all...but i didn't understand why they were so quick to abandon their hard thought out plans at the tail end the way they did. or why Walken ultimately did what he did.


I think mbs nailed it for me.



The ending really sucked. She looks a little like Uma Thurman around the eyes & nose.



Yeah, the ending (last 20 minutes) really put the nail in the coffin of this movie for me. It was 90% montage of scenes we'd already seen... and montages are generally pretty lame even when there is new material being introduced in them. For the record, I wasn't liking this movie from the first few minutes in, but I stuck it out until the very end, because I wanted to see how it developed. But, it didn't develop, it just sort of lazily dropped the narrative it set up, without anything really interesting or conceptual to take its place.


It had some nice additions to the short story, namely, why Sandii doesn't show up at their planned meet. Although in the short story, I'm pretty sure she just fell in love with Hiroshi and X and Fox were just screwed. But yeah, it was just Blah all the way through. You couldn't like it even if yor tried.

Dear Vorenus, I don't **** your wife.

-Erinne "Rome"


Just a suggestion for those who didn't like this film.

Wait 10 years and see it again. You might find new interest in it (I know I did).


I didn't get the film when I first saw it. I have to see it again, I guess.


I liked it the first time, but it definitely demands repeat viewings. Now, after maybe 5 viewings, I find it a masterpiece. Certainly one of the most beautifully shot and composed films of the past twenty years. It holds an appeal for me which I can't defend all that rationally besides saying I find it intoxicating and I love spending time in the world it creates. But I feel pretty comfortable putting this among Ferrara's very best films.

"Your mental capacity isn't the only problem. You also have the sensibility of a cow on morphine."

