Badly Underated Movie

Trudie Tucker in the bad Marilyn Monroe makeup with a lewd act quickly showed this was to be an allegory/satire of a tyrant getting her comeuppance. Helen Mirren made this movie rock as she displayed her edge at playing mindgames to keep her power, and taking sadistic delight in bullying everyone around her. People slamming this movie as a bad slasher/teenyboper/bad morals ect, put this movie in the wrong classification, rather than taking the movie on it's on merits.


I agree with you, this is not your normal teen slahser movie as many wrongly accuse it of being, one of my top favourite films.



I only liked Katie Holmes :f

"Shame on you if you fool me once, Shame on me if you fool me twice


It's very far fetched but if you go with it it is indeed a very good film- one of the cleverest teen films of the late ninetees alongside Scream and Clueless. It's a little clunky but it is fun, well directed, with some sharp lines and good characterisation. I particularly liked the redhead best friend and of course Helen Mirren. I can see this being reevaluated years from now and becoming a cult favourite.


Correction: Trudie Tucker wasn't the one in the Marilyn Monroe makeup, that was Jo Lynn Jordan (Marisa Coughlan).
