The Title???

Okay ladies, why do you think they titled this movie "The Secret Laughter of Women". Could it mean a joy deep inside that hasn't come to surface yet?


Good question. I have to think about that one.


I could not think for the life of me why the movie was titled "The Secret Laughter of Women". I do recall the scene in the beauty shop when the 4 ladies were discussing getting Nimi together with Rev. Fola, they were discussing how one man cannot bring in a harvest...etc. And then Nimi mother made a comment and all the women starting laughing. However, maybe it only means that this is another reason why God made man and woman. He knew that true happiness comes from what we bring to each other as lovers, husband and wife or whatever.

Nimi was willing to give up love and happiness that she had when she was with Matthew to give Sammy what he needed most in her eyes. It's hard to explain, but maybe it symbolizes that women are most happy when they see the people they love happy.

I did notice how that the Nigerian custom were that women took the back seat to men and that Nimi mother made reference that women should not speak at certain times (when Fola parents came to ask for Nimi, when Fola came over to find out why Nimi was upset with him and when they ask Dr. Ade to come in on the conversation about Fola parents not attending Sammy's birthday party). But maybe the "Secret Laughter of Women" were, that they were in charge of the families and community and it was not like the men presented to the world.

The movie had very strong women in it who had their own ideas, which also included Jenny. She controlled her marriage. Rev. Fola mother controlled her household, etc, etc.

All I know is that I was smiling a lot at the end of the movie when Nimi chose Matthew Field over the Rev. Fola, not just because he was totally handsome but she chose love and happiness over everything else. She also, recieved a name for herself and her son.


I do recall one scene where Nimi laughed quietly to herself and it was after she first made love to Matthew and her Mother told her they were going to have a family meeting. I'm trying to figure this title out...A secret does imply something hidden that no one else knows. Laughter implies something funny or joyous. It could be a joy hidden in one's heart or soul and savored by the individual alone. Maybe it could be a knowing, or a confidence about something deep down on the inside which brings you joy and reveals itself in laughter. I remember Matthew saying to Nimi that he thought she would be crying after making love but instead she was laughing. Could it be she found a secret place and love away from the demands and expectations of her family and culture?

Nimi was a strong lady. She kind of buckled in the end though, but Saracen came and rescued her! Even strong people sometimes need rescuing.


AMEN to that. Now that you mention it, Nimi did laugh after Matthew said that to her. I think Nimi knew all along that one day her and Matthews' encounter would end in making love. She let him know it the day she was at his home at the beginning of the movie that she was attracted to him, and that he might be dangerous to her when she was explaining the antelope parable.

It's kinda funny how that when either Nimi or Matthew would say something to each other to let the other think that they did not need anything more than what they had, it always came back up in a conversation somewhere else in the movie. Nimi told Matthew that what she had was enough, and later on in the movie Matthew made the same statement to Nimi when she was explaining to him that Sammy was all that she had, and even Matthew had to admit that "sometimes enough is more". Also, Nimi told Matthew "Thank you Saracen, but I don't need rescusing, and when Matthew was recuperating at Nimi's apartment, she saw the picture with Saracen and a woman holding onto Saracen leg. Even Matthew had to smile at that. I found myself smiling and laughing all through the movie, because secretly "we" women would love for our on Saracen to rescue us (especially if he looks like Colin Firth) or maybe not.

I was going to mention to you that if you have the jacket that the movie came in on the back when you are reading about what the storyline is, it mention that Nimi was "unmarried", not divorce. I'm wondering if they invented the lie about Nimi's husband being dead only to give her some respect in the Nigerian community?

Whatever romance movie Colin Firth plays in the screenwriters always give him such great lines to say to a woman when he is correcting whatever wrong he has done. In the Bridgett Jones movie, when he tells her that he came back from America because he realize that he forgot to do something and ask if he could "kiss" her. And in TSLOW, he tells Nimi "you are my wife, package deal, Trust me". In P&P, he ask Elizabeth to tell him if he was wasting his time holding out for her and ask her if her feelings for him had changed.

I would like for them to remake the movie "Sabrina" which stars Harrison Ford/Julia Ormond, and remake it with Colin Firth as lead man and whatever lady actress (maybe Hallie Berry). Because in this movie Harrison Ford has similar lines that Colin Firth usually says to a woman.

If "TSLOW", not that they need to remake this movie, but if you could choose a scene and change it just a little, which scene would you choose and what would you add or take away?

I thought about this and I would choose the ending, after Nimi makes her choice between Matthew Field and Reverend Fola, and she comes down the stairs to Matthew, I would change it to just before Matthew hugs her, I would have him caress her face the way he did it when they first made love and then hug her. Because in the end you hear Nimi softly speaking Matthew's name which in the Nigerian culture is an "intimate" thing.


You know BJ I recall seeing that poster of a woman holding onto Saracen's leg, but didn't make the connnection to her saying she didn't need rescuing. It's like he was giving her a knowing smile as if to say...okay, so you don't need rescuing huh, yeah right! Nimi turned around and looked at him, so it appears they were reading each others thoughts.

Halle Berry and Colin Firth, now that would be a hot match! and Sabrina a good vehicle for it.

If I could change anything in SLOW it would be a little more dialogue explaining their attraction to each other and a little more lip action between Matt & Nimi. Like you, I feel the ending should've been just as you said or even ending with a kiss; but maybe out of respect for the Fola's because Nimi just dumped their son, the writers did not think it an appropriate action. Also Sammy and her family were all standing around.

I like the subtleties of this movie so I wouldn't want a lot of over the top emotionalism and everything revealed through dialogue which is how most romances have a tendency to run. Hey, I'm continually seeing things in this movie. Someone else mentioned the other scene when Rev. Fola was counseling the Da Silva's about Sammy's involvement with Matthew and he was reading an article stating Saracen spending steamy night with MPs wife...Matt must've gotten himself involved in an affair prior to Nimi. He thought he was entering into another fling but got a taste of the real thing...hey I'm rhyming!


I know, it hard to rewrite this movie. It was just right. However, I noticed that he seldom mention Nimi's name, where she said his name quite often. And that could be that once Matthew found out that saying someones first name was considered an intimate act, and since in his mind, it was only going to be an affair, that he never wanted her to think that it was more than that. And maybe that explains at least to me that that is why when she told Matthew that she loved him, he just looked at her. And later on, he told her he wasn't ready for love.

Do you think that is why Matthew was in France because it got a little hot with the MP's wife? At first I thought maybe he was working on his book, but you remember when John was telling him that he couldn't keep holding the offer on the table for Matthew, and that he needed him to get back to work.

Was Matthew really tired of his way of life, or did he get involved with someone who showed him what "love" was really about? Was this the first time he question his marriage only after Nimi showed him that true "love" meant needing someone and that someone needing you?


I agree with you about the reason Matthew didn't say Nimi's name. Although he wanted intimacy and needed it, he was afraid. He knew how her culture interpreted the usage of first names and he wasn't ready for love. But then again he was ready, but fear and self-loathing got in the way. Matthew loathed himself because of the life style he became accustomed to and sometimes old habits are hard to break.

It slipped my mind to mention this, but there is a website with the production notes for SLOW and it does state Matthew had a heart attack during a sexual encounter and that's why he went to his villa in France. I have to look for that site and will post it later. Matthew was tired of his ways and there comes a time when dealing with the difficult passages in life you need real intimacy with someone.

I think Matthew craved the same things Nimi did, respectability and honor. It's amazing how they both needed the same things but in a different way. Matthew's need for respectability and honor stemmed from a life style of debauchery; Nimi's from imposed cultural values.


When you find that website, please post it. I'm interested in anything that give some insite to this movie. But to tell the truth, I enjoy reading everyone elses thought and interpetation that they got from the movie. At first I felt a little guilty because I felt as if I was promoting "adultery". However, when you read what everyone else see as they look at the movie, you began to see this movie in a whole new light.

Under the website of "friends of Colin Firth, the SLOW was listed as one of his many movies, and on there was a very beautiful picture of Colin and Nia (Matthew in that blue shirt and Nimi in that blue garment that she had on). But you cannot find any dialog about the movie on the website.


I have visited sites about this movie and have found the same thing. Very little is mentioned about it or very few people want to discuss it. Maybe some people were thinking the same thing, it was a promotion of adultery; but it isn't.

Life is not black and white. There are gray areas and people make poor relationship choices. I believe you should have the courage to correct your mistakes. Why stay in a situation where you treat each other like dirt and torture one another. If you're not going to agree to make things better and have a real relationship why continue it. This is taking place in many marriages. Just a shell and a farce. Matt eventually found the courage to go for the real thing. This is only a movie, but there are a number of things being played out in SLOW that relate to life which causes you to think.


That is why I have enjoyed seeing what others thoughts and interpetation were. The movie also shows that you never know who your life partner will be. And we all make mistakes but you also have another chance to correct the mistakes. Both Nimi and Matthew made mistakes in their earlier life, but they both recognized it and found something in each other that completed the other and made them both whole. Which is what a lot of people look for. Not someone to make them feel complete, but its nice to feel needed. Which is what Matthew realized. It was nothing about what material gain he had, she saw something inside of him that she connected with.


Nimi saw the possibilities in Matthew. That is what was being symbolized when she smiled as she first viewed the garden in its unkept state. She was up to the challenge!
