Please tell me the ending

Maybe I should know how this ends but I dont remember I was up half of the night while watching this movie and need to know the ending. If someone could tell me it would be appreciated. I checked and its not playing in the next few days and it will drive me crazy. did she ever find out if she was really JOanna. and if so how and why didnt anyone remember her. Thanks


Yes, she was Joanne but had slipped into another plane of existance. She makes it back to her own reality in the end.



I am just going to tell it like it is. This movie was too complex for me.


"I am just going to tell it like it is. This movie was too complex for me."

What?! You've got to be kidding!

The Eyes of the City are Mine! Mother Pressman / Anguish (1987)


I agree that this movie is complex in that the cinematic storytelling technique

used is complex. To "get" the movie, the story, I think you have to understand that

what you are witnessing is the Joanna character's off-and-on,

intermittently-derailed, dual mental experience of what actually happened and what

she derangedly imagines happened. In other words you are watching, from the

outside, what went on inside Joanna's mind. Or something like that.
