I love this film!

After reading that this movie received mixed reviews, it makes me proud to say that I really love this film. It's very funny and entertaining.

I plan on watching this again as I'm very excited for the 'Mr. Peabody' movie.

Does anyone else agree with me?


i agree, it's very interesting.


Definitely consistent with the original show, which is a great thing. Too often people feel the need to put some twist on things and tell it in some new bizarre way.

Sail away tiny sparrow...


I'm old enough to have watched a lot of the originals while being too young to understand some of the sharper jabs. It was one of my favorites. This movie was very fun, de Niro was clearly enjoying himself, which is always nice to watch, and it was nice to see Jonathan Winters a couple of times. And June Foray, the one and only, contributing her voice!


This movie gets such a bad reputation; but methinks it is only because they believe pun to be a low form of humor. Constant puns and wit; I still roll watching this film years since it's release


I enjoyed the film too. First time I saw it, sat there with a smile on my face throughout at the goofiness of it all.


It's a surprisingly decent movie. It's sharp as a tack and has ideals,
