America then and now

Watching this movie is a painful reminder of what we were and
what we've been reduced to. The show from the 60s was bright,
inventive and hilarious. Kids were smarter for having watched it.

Now it's 40 years later and they make a movie so wretched and
moronic that the only thing kids could learn from it is that
Hollywood is full of idiots.


Amen! Speak the God honest truth!


No kidding! Just try to explain to the kids now. "No really, Rocky and Bullwinkle were really smart and funny once! Don't look at me like that!" They managed to make George of the Jungle kind of work, but that was largely because of Brendan Fraser. They should have stopped after Dudley, make that before Dudley Doright.


im confused. what makes this movie so wretched? i giggled a few times...thought the movie flowed well...?


I thought the movie was funny also. Not great, but not the disaster people say it was.


Look at the filmmakers resumes... several artistic geniuses were behind this dreck.
