Happy childhood memories

Like another post I recently made I thought this show was just a vast childhood hallusination(sp). I was only 9 when the show came out, and I had scattered recolections about the show. I remembered Solomon Grundy throwing Batman over the Batmobile. And I remeber the opening where Gary Owen introduced each hero in a roll call type manner. I also remember Green Lantern, Flash, and Hawkman being on the show. I remember seeing two episodes (The adventure one week, and the roast the next), and hoping it was a regular series and being heart broke the third week when it wasn't on again. But that was pretty much it. Didn't remember a plot, or anything like that. I told my girlfriend all my memories about the show, and that Christmas I found a copy of the show on DVD under the tree. I popped it into the player and for about an hour, I was 9 years old again. I knew the show was real. I just knew it.
Here's to life.

One word - ThunderCougarFalconBird.
They laugh cause Im different I laugh cause theyre same.



I remember it too.

I was in Grade 1 at the time.

I loved the first week's episode, but wasn't too crazy about the second week.

I can recall, that prior to that first night's episode, waiting patiently for 8:00pm to roll around. I actually had brought out an alarm clock to keep an eye on the time. The next hour was magical...at least for a six year old.

Where did you get the DVD of it?


She got it from eBay. One of the best Christmas gifts I will ever recieve.

One word - ThunderCougarFalconBird.
They laugh cause Im different I laugh cause theyre same.


I just got done watching the first episode -the one that I liked on YouTube.

OMG....It was hysterical. Yeah, it's juvenile and dumb with an annoying laugh track. But, was still amazing to watch. I loved the scenes with Grundy disguised as a gas station attendant with Marsha Warfield giving a running commentary on the events.

I definitely have to obtain a full copy (i.e. one where it's not dependent on the speed of the computer.


I thought it was an hallucination, too...for years, I've asked friends and my younger brother if they remember a live action super hero show, with Batman, Green Lantern, the Flash, Solomon Grundy. Nobody remembered it, but I VIVIDLY remembered certain scenes...

...a moment during a fight comes to mind, where one hero spins around and grabs another, about to fight another hero...he says "Oh! Sorry..." and they move apart to fight the villains. As a six year old (I must've been six...) that was awesome. I'm so happy to learn that it really exists! Awesome!!

you watched it, you can’t unwatch it
