any more such movies?

Does anyone know any other movies about the financial markets, trading and what is going on apart from Wall Street and Rogue Trader???


You should see Boiler Room. The film is somewhat like Wall Street and Glengarry Glenn Ross. Giovanni Ribisi was really good in it. The film is funny at times and quite fast moving. Ben Affleck appears as the boss at the stock place and he is actually quite good in it.

Do not infuriate the Random Person


"Dealers"...A british film from the late eighties is pretty good.


I agree with the "Boiler Room" recommedation. Interesting depiction of a stock-market related scam. "The Prime Gig" is another neo-noirish film similar to Boiler Room, altho unfortunately not as well made.

You might also check out the Australian film "Risk" (2000). It involves an inside job at an insurance company. Fairly well-done little film too.

Edit: Just remembered the film "Owning Mahowny". Tells the true story of a loan officer who embezzled millions from his bank to cover his gambling losses. Pretty good film, with Philip Seymour Hoffman doing an excellent job in the lead role.



I'd recommend Boiler Room, Barbarians at the Gate, Other People's Money, and Trading Places.



"the bank" with anthony lapaglia. its set in australia and revolves around the exact subject. very good movie!

Homer: I'm not normally a religious man, but if you're up there, save me, Superman!


I really enjoyed The Crooked E: The Unshredded Truth About Enron. Also a biographical film so it has lots of weight. Lots of hot young actors in it as well which actually forms part of the plot!

"You've exposed the page!"



Margin Call
The Wolf of Wall Street
Enron: The Smartest Guys In The Room

The restitution of life is no great feat. A variety of deaths may well enter into your punishment
