Rowsdowser is NOT the best!

I am sorry, but I feel this MUST be said! The truly coolest character of the film is Red Green's insane hobo brother himself, Mike Pipper! I mean, seriously! What does Zappy have going for him really? So he lacks fashion sense and drinks a lot of beer, what North American male doesn't? But Pipper, now he's just batsh#t crazy! Wait, maybe he really IS Red's never-seen brother! Think about it, if you had a son like Harold wouldn't you go off into the woods, never to be seen or hear from again? But I love Canada; even their white trash is less threatening than the version we have in the states. Compare "The Final Sacrifice" to "Giant Spider Invasion" or "The Legend of Boggy Creek II" and just TRY to tell me the cheating Viking farmer and Charles B. Pierce don't make Rowsdowser seem like Prince Charming in comparison.


you're right!



Rowsdower clearly saves us and saves all the world!

...Mike Pipper does come in a VERY close second though. (OOOOOOH! Fresh towels in the guest room!)


Larry Csonka > everybody else.


agreed, nobody CARRIES the film like mr. csonka did.

"Shhh he's talking about his area."



Larry Csonka compeletely carried this movie. He was the only one brave enough to shoot a scene with a catapillar on his lip. I like Satoris though, his cult ruled this land once....


Yup. They ruled this one acre for about a week. But I thought nobody knew....

Ten, nine, eight, and all that!


Rowsdower is Canada's Chuck Norris.


Knew Czonka? He was delicious!

"I like your style, Dude..."
"I did it! With my spear!"


Pipperrrrrrrrrrrr. Pipper partnerrrrrrrrr.


His one fault is how he "OOOHH, hates that rabbit!"

Let's be bad guys.



If only they had used the PipperCam to film Mike's life.

It would be pretty interesting, with him being an archaeologist an all, and living in some shack in the middle of the Canadian wilderness.

We would see him making some Pippered Eggs and doing some chores around the house, cleaning up.


Yeah, he cleans his pans and gets out he really tough stains with his Brillo pad beard. And don't forget that he seems to have no toilet - if those yellow stains on the walls are anything to go by...

