MovieChat Forums > The Final Sacrifice (1994) Discussion > Something appealing about it

Something appealing about it

This sounds crazy, but I have a soft spot for The Final Sacrifice. It's not a good movie, but there's something endearing about it. Maybe it's all the outdoor photography. Maybe the notion of a lost city is kinda cool. The movie doesn't have the crassness of Hobgoblins, the technobabble of Overdrawn at the Memory Bank, or the crappy/stolen effects of Space Mutiny. The Final Sacrifice, with the exception of the poorly constructed basement set, avoids putting bad effects on the screen. The rising lost city of the Ziox actually doesn't look half bad. Plus Shane Marceau's villain is so overdone, it's enjoyable to watch him.

And, one word: Rowsdower!!!!


Satoris is dead sexy. At least, next to ROWSDOWER!, he is.


I think it's one of the most watchable movies that MST3K has used. Most of their choices I would've turned off after ten minutes, although Final Sacrifice almost holds up on its own.


You know, I think you hit the nail right on the head. There's something sort of homely about it. The heroes aren't special in any way -Rowsdower is a bitter drunk, and Troy is a geek. I think the movie might have been half-decent if they got rid of the cult, and had Troy search for something instead of some mythical lost city, like maybe his father. Granted, it wouldn't be the most interesting movie, but it would definitely be better.


This really should be a cult classic lol there are far worse "cult classics."




i believe the name for that "soft spot" would be pity.
but seriously, you have a point, i think it's appealing because it tries so darn hard to be a good movie but we all know it hasn't a prayer. Kind of like watching an ugly 3-legged puppy.


I am a huge MST3K fan and will watch any of them more that once (with 1 or 2 exceptions) But oh baby, This one I have seen like 50 and I still roll every time. I can't explain why, but ROSDOWER! Seems to have a spell on me.

No wonder dad lost all our money, he invested in lemon mines!


I think they made a good call with all the outdoor photography. Just shooting pretty Canadian wilderness added something to an otherwise threadbare production.



Absolutely. It's a guilty pleasure for me, that's for sure. If I could find it on VHS - or, dare I say, DVD - I'd snatch it up in a heartbeat.


i agree i cant stop watching this film.. its bad and i mean bad but there is something truely attractive to it but i cant figure it out


I'm glad you said this, Calgon, because I feel exactly the same way. This little film that could is actually not half bad. I enjoy Mike and the 'bots riffing on it as much as the next person, but in the annals of MST3K films, I think this movie actually has something that's lacking in just about every film screened for the residents of the Satellite of Love: a heart. You really care about what happens to young Troy, geeky and awkward as he is. He is a resourceful kid who has wisdom beyond his years, and living in a place where neighbors apparently don't care when you're being chased down the street by jack-booted thugs, that savvy serves him well. And Rowsdower's not a bad guy, either, and it's fun to see a genuine chemistry develop between the two. It's one of the few MST3K films that makes me sad when it's over because it's a lot of fun. Canada need not hide its frosty head in the snow over this one. It's a charmer.


Well said, jrware!


