I'm Confused

This movie in the UK is known as 'ive been watching you 2',
well dosent that mean this is a sequel to dave decautue's (not sure how to spell it)film the brotherhood, as that was named 'ive been watching you' for UK release.
yet there are sequels to the brotherhood already in the USA and dont have anything to do with this one. is this just an easyer way of selling it in the UK, as a
sequel to decotau's film?
Also, this was made before the brotherhood, so according to UK dvd/video release,
this sequel was made before the origanal, or the second part of a trilogy ect.

"Gimmie some sugar baby!"


David DeCoteau's film was made as The Brotherhood. in America there are currently 4 Brotherhood films. in other countries the first film was retitled by forgein distributors as I've Been Waiting For You for some reason. the fact that Pep Squad is also known by this banner title outside of America is just these same distributors trying to make another film more marketable. if people think that it's related to the other film they'll be more likely to watch/buy it as they think it's a sequel/continuation when in fact they really have no connection or anything at all to do with each other. it's just a case of people tampering with directors' movies and tryingf gto make them something that they're clearly NOT!!


yeah, it was just a cash in on other movies success.

just look at how many Zombie 3's and Demon 3's there are.

anyways i had been told it was a remake/ sequel to prom night and it was even called Prom Night 5 by a few people to me. the truth is this movie is not related to any others that it claims by its name.

P.S. ive decided to give it another watch after the first time i didnt really like it. i'll have to see if its better or not. i did like the very ending.



The people who distributed the film in the UK changed the title without our permission. It was a horrible choice. They should have marketed the film as a campy comedy, and not a horror film. Because people who watch it expecting a horror film will be disappointed because it's a satire.

