The Raccoons on DVD!

Someone told me it was on DVD.... I was surprised because I have not heard or seen anything about this but today I found some info on it. It looks good and I want it although I wish they released every episode!



i saw someone from canada selling a dvd on ebay before, but i havent seen them anywhere!! i thought walmart would have it, but nope.. so i would really love to find it! the show rocked! i loved it!! :)


The DVDs are avialble. The series is being released on DVD, with 3 episodes to a DVD, and 3-dsic boxsets every year. This year Vol 2 came out, Vol 1 was last year.

A small gripe of mine is that the episodes are being released out of order. So we don't see the formation of the Evergreen Standard, or even the episodes that lead up to the episode where Cyril tries to go back in time and change things.

Your best bet is to order from Canada...There's no stores down in the USA that have it (what happened to freedom of choice?) Though if possible, order through airmail, not ground delivery. It took me 3 weeks to receive my vol 1 thorugh groundmail (possibly stopped at the border), my airmailed Vol 2 was received in 5 days.


i am from canada, and i've looked all over but i cant find the dvds! i really want them!! this show was soo awesome!! :)


I saw Raccoons on DVD today!!! At Zellers.... 3 volumes, $9.99 each..... Looks like theres bonus features and comentary....My fav. episode is the hockey one.


really?? i've been looking everywhere for them!! i thought walmart would have it for sure.. but i haven't checked zellers yet.. ;)

thanks!! :)


You can download the 4 specials if you go here


well i went to zellers a couple days ago, and couldnt find them... :(


How far are you from Orillia? They had a few there the other day


i live in toronto


It only an hour away, if you drive 140


haha! thats ok, i'm not that desperate for them.. but i'll keep looking in other ones here.. :)


Does anyone know how many DVD's were eventually released and how many episodes are still unavailable?


2 boxed sets of three DVDs have been released. It doesn't look as though there's going to be anymore right now. There is a Raccoons movie planned. Maybe more will come out to tie in with that?


If they are gonna make a Raccoons movie, Who will the new voice of Bert?

