my age?

Does anyone my age remember this?
i used to love it (but i had to watch re-runs b/c it finished the yr i was born) If you do hu was ure favourite raccoon mine was burt


I used to like Cyril Sneer - he was like Scrooge McDuck on acid!!!


Wow! Scrooge McDuck was cool! Anyway, I didn't think it ran i didn't think it ran past the early 90's.

You're not a bitch. You're bitchin', but you're not a bitch.


BERT: Hey Broo, what's the difference between Cyril Sneer and a canoe? That's right! A canoe tips!


That's a great quote, "Scrooge McDuck on acid". He really was. A guy wearing nothing but a tie always smoking a cigar. Kinda scary. One of my favorite episodes was the one where he was hiding from the TV reporter who was trying to interview him. I liked how he became more human as the show progressed. You got to see that he had some good qualities, too.
