Thinly Veiled

story of mob boss and part time gardener Sucko "The Clown" Frondsman and his ascension to sainthood in the nether world of mob slobs.

Nothing is more beautiful than nothing.


Hey Bathwater,

"Nothing is more beautiful than nothing"???

Shouldn't that be:
Nothing is more beautiful than anything
Anything is more beautiful than nothing

I'm pretty sure that:
Nothing looks exactly like nothing (and vice versa).

Just a thought.


Peeps get hung up on that all the time becuz they cannot think of the nothing that is something.

Nothing is more beautiful than nothing.


You convinced me with "Peeps".


No. It's perfect as is.

Nothing can be the most beautiful thing, in the case of this statement.

Read... NO thing, is more beautiful than NOTHING.


Oh, I understand, now! I guess I must have been confused. In other words: All the things that exist in the universe are not and can't be as beautiful as... a total void.
