Why Aimee and Jaguar

In this movie i didn't hear the two women called as "Aimee" and "Jaguar", actually their names are Lily and Felice. Why the movie title is Aimee and Jaguar?
message from Beijing, China


They're pet names the women chose for each other (Aimée- Lily; Jaguar- Felice).
Plus, Felice Schragenheim used to sign her letters, poems and notes to Elisabeth Wust as Jaguar.

And yes, it is mentioned somewhere in the film.

Erica Fischer's book Aimée & Jaguar, a biography of Felice, is highly recommended.



"All the best people have bad chests and bone diseases. It's all frightfully romantic"- Juliet- HC


Felice whispered to Lilly "You are Aimée, and I am Jaguar!", when they are the first time in bed together!


The two are writing each other secret love poems.
In the movie, it is said, that Felice (Maria Schrader) is Jaguar, kind of a -predator- to prey on Lilly (Juliane Köhler), who is Aimeé, which just means the -beloved-.

So in the end, you could say, that Felice fights for the love of Lilly, who loves her of course, too.


oops thank you! i am Chinese so didn't quite catch the petname details~


While these are pet names, they are also lesbians during WWII. Therefore, using Aimee and Jaguar are safer than using their real names.
