MovieChat Forums > Merlin (1998) Discussion > Anyone else able to watch this movie ove...

Anyone else able to watch this movie over and over

without out getting sick of it, i swear i have watched this movie about 20 times and i can still watch it without getting board at all!
Ever since watching this, no other King Arthur stories have been as good or captured me as much! Merlin was truely a great film and i wish it was more known and made it to the cinema!
What are your favourite scenes?
Mine would have to be any with Maab, she was the best character, even though she was evil

Church is fallible because it's created by man


same here... i must have seen this movie 50 times while at university... annoyed the crap out of my room-mate ^^

my favorite scene was when merlin tried to hit maab after auntie A died... and when he throws back the sword and the lady of the lake said that its human to make mistakes, and that the human half is his best half.

Inuyasha!!! SIT!!!!!



I was thinking that I was one of the only people who liked this movie so I was delighted to see your post. Yes. I can watch it over and over and over and over and over and over and over again, and it never gets boring. I adore it. I adore everything about it. The acting is awesome( especially Miranda Richardson), the sets and costumes are great and the story is wonderful. I don't know why not many people like it. I think it's awesome.( I think you guys got that idea already):)


I have it on DVD, and I watch it often. I really enjoy this movie. Personally, I think it's a lot better than "Excaliber."


Intercourse the Penguin!


We've got it on DVD at our house, and I've taken it into my room and let it stay there, cuz no one else is watching that movie but me. I swear, I've seen it about 50 times and I never get bored!!!

King Uther Pendragon: You've tricked me, Merlin.
Merlin: Come, come Uther. I am a wizard, that's my business.

Merlin: They say that when you're unhappy, time crawls by. When you're happy, however... my childhood must have been very happy. For it was over in a flash...


I haven't watched it as often as some in this thread. I have too many movies to watch one so often. But I do like it. My favorite scene is where Merlin kills Lord Vortigern by splitting the ice. This is preceded by the dialogue.. Vortigern says something like are you going to kill be with some of your magic to which Merlin replies I will kill you any way I can.


Yeah, I like that scene too. I like the whole movie to be exact =)


Yeah, this must be the best Arthurian adaptation ever. I totally love this movie


i have seen this like 30 times and every single time i enjoyed it it's and incredibly good and one of my favorite i wish i could buy it!!! so can watched over and over again!!!1


Yeah, this is definitely my favourite Arthurian film adaptation.

Guess what?! They're filming a sequel right now in Vancouver! Search for "Merlin's Apprentice" here on IMDB and you'll find it.

Sam Neill and Miranda Richardson are both appearing in it! Sooooo excited!!



My favorite scene is just after he takes Nimue to Avalon. He walks out into the water, and declares war on Mab.

Merlin : Mab! Do you hear me?!
Mab : I hear you Merlin.
Merlin : YOu've destroyed everyone I love...first my mother, then Ambrosia, now Nimue!
Mab : I did it for you, Merlin! To get you to use your powers.
Merlin : I'll destroy you for what you've done to me! I'll see you fade into nothing!
Mab : Neverrrrrrr....Not Everrrr...

Then there's the final defeat of Mab, when Merlin tells all the people to ignore her.

Mab : Merlin? What are you doing? MERLIN! Look at meeee....LOOK AT ME! Frik! Merlin?! Please, don't forget me a son! MERLIN!! *turns into smoke*

I always felt sorry for Mab in that scene, seeing her beat Merlin at every turn, but unable to do anything when people stopped paying attention to her.


I agree, but it seems I've lost my copy of it. This is pretty annoying, really wanted to watch it :-(


Yeah, I am a big fan of this movie as well.
I think it is fantastic, and it is one of my favorite ones.


I think you can all watch this movie over and over again simply beacuse it is so incredilbly long, and with so much content, the story has so much too it, so when you think of the film, its like 'oh yeah, I forgot that bit!'

"I'll leave my love between the stars"


I can watch it over and over again, coz i swear itz the best darn film ever made...


This has to be one of the best movies of all time. :) Mab was the freaking best evil charater I've ever seen. My favorite scene would have to be...oh, any Mab scene. She was THE BEST! And Frik. Frik was amusing.


Mab looked like a right goth eh? lol

I love Frik, he's awesome:P
