MovieChat Forums > Merlin (1998) Discussion > Low Budget Hallmark Film

Low Budget Hallmark Film

This was an OK movie. When you see "Hallmark" pictures you kinda know what to expect. Low budget. It had a great cast though. I would like to see a big budget and a top director doing it. Excalibur is still the best Arthur movie to date with Clive Owens' King Arthur a close second (although it takes a different angle at the life of Arthur and his mates.) Anyone who knows anything about movies would not give this a 10 on 10 as stated in the user comments.


I had to turn off King Arthur because it was putting me to sleep - which doesn't usually happen with movies.

Hmm, great cast, great storyline. I think that makes it top notch. Merlin, I mean. I would give this a 10 out of 10 because it's my kind of movie. Just because *you* compare it to big blockbuster movies doesn't mean it should necessarily be rated as one.

That's just my opinion.

I'm assuming (and I know I shouldn't) you're saying a bigger budget because of the special effects - which I didn't think were half bad. It's just an NBC miniseries for goodness sakes.

Big budget doesn't always mean great movie. Anyone who knows anything about movies would know that.



There's no time to discriminate, hate every muther f * * k e r that stands in your way!


U have bad taste in movies, plain and simple. Or u like the cheesy "Hallmark" made for TV movies starring B listers. That's cool. I understand.There are lots of u out there.


You keep those ignorant opinion of yours coming then since I didn't like your precious King Arthur movie.


What the hell are you talking about anyway?

My movies are *beep* amazing.


Sheesh, some people's kids y'know?


I also thought it was excellent if i had any gripes it would be that some of the dialogue was pretty poor the lady of the lake and her sister kind of spoke like ordinary people and i think that magical beings should speak a bit mysteriously. That doesnt really sound right but i hope people get what i mean.


I guess because of the amount of time Mab was onscreen, it might have become irritating for the audience if she had constantly spoken in riddles, or in a different language, etc. Bearing in mind that her part was second only to Merlin, and some might argue she was, in a way, more significant to the plot than even Merlin himself, as it is she that causes his birth, and shapes most of the major events of his life, up until her defeat. Saying that, I really like the way Mab spoke, and I loved the way Miranda Richardson does her voice.

Try not to panic. Just think of it as landing a little more vertically than usual


May I butt in? :)

What about Mab's lavish the constant makeup and contact-lens work they invested in ensuring her eyes had a different and fascinating look from scene to scene?

Miranda Richardson looked amazing at all times, and definitely didn't get the "low budget" treatment.


Yes if a movie is good or not is obviously dependant on how much money the fx department got and if the movie have been shown in a cinema chain in the past. I go to great lengths to research this before I watch a movie. I mean imagine the shame if I told my mates I liked a movie that do not meet these obvious standards for greatness. o.O


Anyone who knows anything about movies huh? Well, anyone who knows anything about movies, would use the word film and not write in chat messenger like your next post.

Excalibur is a great film as is King Arthur but I prefer Merlin. You talk of 'Hallmark' films being low budget, so what? That doesn't negate the awesomeness of some of them, specifically Merlin. Funnily enough, Merlin looks to have a bigger budget than Excalibur...

King Arthur is enjoyable and I watch it every now and again on DVD or when it's on tv. Though it does not have the same epic scope as Merlin, although it has a much bigger budget. Funny.

I'm not saying Merlin is the greatest film in the existence of cinema but it is my favourite Arthur film.


Another Hallmark lover. Nice.



people rate films not just on what the movie deserves but on whether they enjoyed it, very different. If you were to rate movies on its merits no film would get a 10 as there is no movie completely perfect, only on how someone enjoys it. Why can't someone rate a film on how much they enjoy it, thats the best representation of a film is. With that respect if people really like this film then why can't they give this film a 10? I find it rather arrogant to berate peoples tastes just because you judge it to be wrong.


It is one of the best fantasy movies in last 30 years.
Hollywood made many big budget fantasy movies in recent years but they didnt have not the story,not the actors,not the soul like this one.
It is simply a touch of magic that Steve Barron menaged to catch.
10 of 10.


henk-tortura, I couldn't agree more. This is such an amazing film, one that has - as you put it - a touch of magic about it. I only wish I could have given it more than a 10, because I've enjoyed it so much time and time again. *loves*





While I also prefer Excalibur--it would be in my top 50, at least, if I were making a list of my favorite films, this sentence of yours is just stupid: "Anyone who knows anything about movies would not give this a 10 on 10 as stated in the user comments."

There are no "correct ratings". There are no facts that one can know about films that amount to or imply correct ratings. Knowledge of any conventional standards for anything does not amount to or imply correct ratings. The standards are not correct, they're just folks having or sometimes just relaying the same opinions, the same tastes, etc. Whether someone gives this or any other film a 10/10, 1/10, 5/10 or anything else, they can't be wrong about their rating, and their rating would never suggest the extent of the knowledge they have about films, filmmaking, conventional standards of directing, acting, etc.


Hallmark movies always have and always will be second rate or third rate celluloid.
When they win an Oscar (for film) I will eat my words.........b*tches.


Did you understand anything about my comment?


There is no way that a TV or DVD movie (no matter how good and popular is it) could be even nominated for Oscar. I'm highly surprised that such expert in movie making doesn't know this simple fact. ;)
So, you prefer the movie that pretend to be historical (in this case this is insane) and in the same time is full of historical inaccuracies instead of this wonderful fairytale? I'm highly surprised again.


Yep, not one Hallmark film has ever qualified for an Oscar for the very fact that in order to qualify you have to be shown in LA in a theater. Hallmark movies premiere on TV and then go to DVD within a week or two, or at least that is what they do now.


This miniseries is one of my favorites. I just wish it was on Bluray.


You still lovin good 'ol Hallmark movies? Oscars are just around the corner....I don't see any Hallmark nominations?


Wow you're an idiot aren't you.
