Not even a good B Movie

This movie is really quite bad. The acting is terrible and the plot is quite weak. If the movie was better written maybe it could have been salvageable, but there were just too many moments of "he's doing what now?" for it to be worth watching even as a B movie.

Just looking at his bio here on IMDB it seems that the director/writer/star (Phillip Rhee) had his movie career ended with this film. That seems about what he deserves for making such a dog of a film.

The Internet forum allows things you would never have the balls to say face to face.


No Phillip's movie career didn't end because of this movie. Phillip is still active in the business....he's a director for children movies now. He's had enough of violence and feels he's told his story.
He also owns his own studio and co-owns a marital art studio with Jun Chong. He has won awards in the international field...he's still doing well. He also makes speeches to different groups. He's working all the time...just not in front of the camera anymore.


I like my B movies with a little more T and A. Wanted to see Karina show her goodies.
