Samurai cop

Heck, this is just so terrible that it's a classic. Imagine if Ed Wood had made an 80's action movie, then this would be it. If you like masterpieces like "Citizen Kane" et all then avoid this flick like the plague but if however like myself you have a soft spot for trashy and unintentionally funny movies then I do recommend this.
Mark Sandwell.


Ed Wood? At least I could could enjoy an ED Wood movie. I lost a bet and had to watch it. Luckily they knew how bad it was so they let me watch it in 20 minute segmants a day.


There's simply no better "awful" movie than Samurai Cop. Troll 2 is close, but even that was semi-profesionally shot. My friend has watched it about 30 times (including 12 times in 2 days). There's so many nuances and bad lines (not to mention hilarious post-dubbing from different actors) that it rewards multiple viewings. Nearly every minute has something hilarious in it, what bad movies can say that? Oh, and bonus points for the equally hilarious Joe Bob commentary.


Samurai Cop and Troll II are the best worst movies ever.


Yea, i mean Ed Wood movies can be very hard to sit through. Samurai cop has not a dull moment. The car chase at the beginning is definitely one of the best i've ever seen. "Shoot....Shoot him" X5. The problem with some bad movies is that they aren't bad enough. Samurai cop is definitely bad enough. This and Creating Rem Lezar are at the top of my list. Pure joy at every moment.


Samurai Cop is one of the funniest movies around. Just so incomprehensibly woeful!
I enjoyed some moments of Troll 2, and Manos Hands of Fate is okay but so far Samurai Cop rules!


This has quickly become my favorite bad movie I've ever seen. The dialog, and reaction shots from the samurai cop's partner are laugh out loud funny. Way funnier than any straight comedy film I've seen. If you are in need of a laugh, and isn't everyone, watch this movie with the Joe Bob Briggs commentary.

"That's some bad hat, Harry."





It's so awesome that I'm going to buy my own copy.

I have to disagree with the comedy commentary, it was a lot less funny.


Samurai Cop is a serious action film. Screw Die Hard and John Woos The Killer, Samurai Cop is where its at!!

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This was hilarious, i recommend Shotgun which is even worse!

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