Code Red should be ashamed

I honestly have to say after having bought the DVD version of The Redeemer, I feel that Code Red should be utterly ashamed of themselves.

I understand they could not find the master print or an original negative of the film. However, there is something else they could have done. They could have gotten the rights to use the print from the Continental VHS release. For one, The Redeemer was shot in full screen and matted into widescreen (like many low budget horror films back in the day were), and not to mention that the Continental VHS print is actually gorgeous and in a very crisp, colorful condition with little to no blemishes. Sure it carries the Class Reunion Massacre moniker but if that was a big deal, they could have done what I do and just have grabbed a freeze frame (the opening shot over the credits is freeze-framed anyway) and used a program like Vegas Pro to recreate the original title, and matted the film into widescreen.

But here's where the biggest offense comes from. Not only is the print on the DVD in terrible quality, but there is also no chapter selection at all for it, no special features (not even an interview with TG Finkbinder who seems to enjoy talking about the film? Come on!), the fact that aspects of the menu seem to condescend to Code Red's target audience (i.e. the "Pointless Code Red Trailers" bit on the main menu) and the DVD slip cover features nothing but negative review quotes and a plot synopsis that only acts as a means to poke fun at the film on its expense.

Knowing how the owner of the company has behaved in the past, and is also prone to making hasty decisions before reviewing all the options first (the Madman DVD fiasco anyone?), it seems that due to all the trouble he had securing a decent print of the film, he got all huffy and decided to take out his dissastisfaction upon the movie and fans of it. Maybe I am speculating too much but given the history of the company & having seen some of the tantrums the owner of Code Red throws, it wouldn't surprise. Due to this, I have to call them out on their childishness and their poor treatment of the film & its' fans.

No extra features, no chapter selections, condescending packaging and not even using a decent Continental VHS print (which we would have been happy with since the print they used is so horrible!)... It's abysmal and I say Code Red should be ashamed. They have painted themselves as nothing but poor sports in the world of DVD distribution.


The sound you're hearing is the symphony of what we are...


I agree with you about Code Red and their strange ways, but I disagree that the Continental VHS is superior to the DVD. The print Code Red used may be damaged but it's definitely sharper than a VHS. It's true that more effort could have been put into the DVD as far as extras, but overall I'm happy with it. Code Red probably didn't think the audience for this film was large enough to justify the expense of producing extras.


I also think that although the print has a lot of damage it is actually quite sharp. However I agree with everything else you have said. Bill is a poor sport. The packaging is awful, from the demeaning quotes on the case to the written synopsis. Not to mention all the anti piracy *beep* in the synopsis. Bill puts out good product but he's a wreck of a human being. His handling of this release is embarrassing.

Edit: And now there is a blu-ray out, I wasn't going to get it, but I suckered myself into it, when he released the bundle of 5 blus together.


I'll stick to the East West DVD. It may be dark but at least the print's in better shape.
