My favourite bit

my favourite scene had to be the mock wedding, where Grant struggles hard to pretend to be shot, but fails misirably and his fiancee ends up with a bullit in the chest. It's a heartwarming moment in the ambulance later when Grant and James Cann hug eachoither in tears, both of them sorry for eachothers loss. And then, Jeanee comes to life.



Yeah that part is good. I think the funniest part is in the restaurant when the owner is trying to get Gina to eat the cookie and Gina says something like "I don't feel like taking orders from a waitress" and the owner says "Not waitress, owner! Eat *beep* cookie!" I just found that funny!

x . . Stand Your Ground & Fight . . x *Football Factory & Green Street* Love It!


Mine was when Hugh Grant's character meets Gina's dad, James Caan in the La Trattoria and says " oh so you're all family?" and Ritchie starts playing "We Are Family" on the stereo.


I love the bit where Hugh Grant is learning where the "t"s and "d"s go when he's pronouncing "forget about it".


There were a lot of good ones there. That is what I like in a comedy movie, you can watch it again and still find something funny that you didn't notice before.
Him trying to order that steak was a scream.
Be yourself, everyone else is taken


I laugh like an idiot for some reason whenever I see the scene with Michael and the old woman who explains that she wants to bid on something.Hugh Grant's expressions are priceless!! The way they are discussing their "bidding plans" and working out a secret signal, lol,seems like they are planning a covert operation or something.

"In time you'll drop dead and I'll come to your funeral in a red dress!"


I really forgot how funny this movie was. One of my favorites--I laugh like an idiot at--when Hugh Grant finds out that Sotheby's caught on fire. Then sits down at his desk and looks down and there's nothing there but a Sothby's matchbook and a burnt match. haha I love it everytime!

"Everything's impossible, til it ain't."


MY favorite part is in the car when Jimmy Caan is trying to teach Hugh Grant to talk gangster. That is so hilarious.

"Not 'he,' 'heee.'" "Heehhhhhhh"


I'm fabulous


Two favourite bits

1) Hugh Grant trying to work the word 'Ha' into his auction, which is easily one of the funniest things I've ever seen.

2) James Fox's character turning up at the restuarant and talking to Mickey, which in turn leads Mickey to assault him and throw him out. So funny.

'Ziggy Piggy'


My favourite is the scene where the transporters suddenly appear to be there earlier in the morning than ever and are painfully eager to unload the paintings as quickly as can be.
And are so terrible polite and timid. And are so relieved getting the receipt signed, to be allowed to move on.


Everything Hugh Grant does in this movie is a riot. From the "HA" at the auction to him trying to speak with the New York accent. He's so great in this. My favorite of his films.

Espically him ordering his steak rare... raaaaaw. LOL

What's in the fu@king box? - BRAD PITT (SE7EN)


Always like the auction house, the old lady "but i really want a painting" and him making the "ha" noises

