
Who else just loves Pips? Or am i the only one here? i mean, as i said in another post, he's right up there on the "Hottest animated character" list. does anyone agree with me? cause there's something about him i just really like (exspecially in this movie, becuase he was barly in the first one!)

Pips rocks, dude!



i'm srry but i have to disagree
maybe he was really cool in the fern gully sequel (whih ci never saw) but in the first one he was a "fairy" in more ways than one
definitely the hottest cartoon character would go to zak in fern gully....the hottie construction worker :)


Pips made my life.
Zak needed to get a clue.

Was anyone else AWAKE for ANY of either movie? Or was I the only one who noticed how much sex Pips and Crysta should've had?


i agree. both very very hot little fairies. although i think the target audience for this movie may not quite appriciate the sex scenes as much as we will


Uh. First movie? Pips had Christian Slater's voice.

That alone? Sexiest ever.

But I'm sorry, in the second movie he sucked major butt.



I love Pips in the first one and am gutted he's hardly in it but I've never seen the second one oh well

Did you rub my lamp? Did you wake me up? Did you bring me here?



You smell like strawberries
- Master Splinter

RIP Patrick Swayze

