Series 10 On The Way

The BBC have confirmed that a 10th series of the show will air in 2011. Currently I can't find any online links but the BBC entertainment page on digital has this report.


I will not support any more Rab C Nesbitt. I bought the boxset of seasons one to eight (plus the reunion special). The show has run it's course. I didn't even like the reunion episode showing them so many years after the show ended. The show should have been left alone after season eight finished. Pattison is just desperate now so he is. Milking something that once was great but is now nothing but a mere shadow of it's former self. And to insult us more he lets someone else play Gash when Gash should have been written out of it instead of doing that!. You don't have someone play Gash for years then have a completely different actor do the same role once the old actor gives it up. No respect for the characters and no respect for the fans. Just thinking of the money. Well I hope you *beep* crash and burn Pattison you money grabbing desperado!.

"Ich bin ein Sheepshagger!" - Jamesie Cotter
