The Seven

I'm watching the Magnificent Seven series at the moment, it's on till the end of the year at least. A wild bunch..Michael Biehn's Chris in the series impressed me. To be a bit shallow, Eric Close is the best-looking actor around, bet he has a lot of female fans. Buck played by Dale Midkiff? Oh, well. The Nathan character ok though I wouldn't notice him much by his role in the group alone and John Dunne is funny. Anthony Starke has one of the "sharpest" looks around, his straightforward acting manner is something to get used to. Ron Perlman's Josiah? He kinda grew on me these days, at first I couldn't stand him at all. Some eps of this series are pretty out there..


I know this is old and you'll never see it but...

whats wrong with Dale as Buck?

Best actor in the show (and I love em all) and playing the most fun character...



IMHO, there is nothing wrong with Dale as Buck. He was perfect for the role, I can't imagine anyone else doing a better job of someone that the writer's seemed to be a little schizo about. They used him for comedic moments and dramatic exposition - and he carried it off with such a charming smile. (So I'm a fan. Sue me.)

Life is hard and then you die.


If i may input my opinion, I also believe Mr. Midkiff was an excellent choice for Mr. Wilmington. But I personally find pleasure with Mr. Standish and Mr. Wilmington, not Mr. Tanner.
A gentleman does not debase himself by engaging in menial labor.-Ezra P. Standish


Oh,go ahead and be shallow - you're not the only one who thinks EC is one gorgeous man! I admit to being a raving maniac fan (is that a magfaniac?) of Mag7 and also think that every one of the Seven is just perfect in their role. Others must agree b/c there are now thousands of stories written about the boys, not only in the Old West(OW) genre, but in a dozen more Alternate Universes (AU).


I agree gmclean-1. There has rarely been a series or movie that has had the chemistry seen on M7. Oh when there are only two maybe three characters its can be pretty easy to get actors that work well together. BUT to get seven men so completely different in their own right and personalities, to fit together like the pieces to a puzzle, and come up with a fantastic picture. Every one complemented the rest so beautifully. From Chris down to JD. Okay, so the writers had some part in that, but even with the best writing, if there is not the chemistry between the actors, it would come out like trash.

To bad the powers that be were so narrow minded and STUPID.

I am really going to miss you Sir.
