MARATHON ALERT !!!!!!!!!!!!

DVR ALERT !!!!!!!! DVR ALERT !!!!! DVR ALERT !!!!!!

MAGNIFICENT 7 Marathon this Saturday March 7th (naturally) Encore Westerns starting at,you guessed it,7 AM !!!

Every episode, no commercials.

"Every Troll Matters When Message Board
Domination Is Your Goal."


Oh yeah!!! I'm giving up overtime for this too!

*beep* ungrateful B****** never took you for a coward!!


Excellent! This sounds like the way to spend the day.


The marathon starts at 7am pacific time.

*beep* ungrateful B****** never took you for a coward!!


I had not known of this tv series but found it historically very accurate. I want to know more about it because I might use it for a class I teach called the West through film.

Are there possible DVDs available?

I liked the episode that had the character falsely arrested for defending the people who were getting arrested.

If anyone knows about this series I would appreciate further info.


Good choice !! Yes, every attempt WAS made to make as historically accurate as can be.One of,if not THE,best western series ever produced.

The entire series is available on DVD. There are Season One and Season Two sets or a complete series set. Just go on line, you'll find them.

I believe the episode of which you speak is INMATE 78,one of the best.

There a few MAGNIFICENT SEVEN TV series sites around. Punch in MAGNIFICENT SEVEN TV series and your search engine will do the rest.

"Every Troll Matters When Message Board
Domination Is Your Goal."
