How can this be the worst film of all time if it has female nudity?

Oh wait. I forgot about "Zombie Lake". Never mind.


This can be gotten on the 4 movie collection Bigfoot Terror along with 3 other movies (Legend of Bigfoot, Capture of Bigfoot, and Shriek of the Mutilated). It's cheap, especially if you get it from Collectables.com. In the 8 to 9 dollar range if I remember right. Not bad for 4 movies, but that's probably because it's a double-sided DVD (I hate those).

Yes this does have female nudity but it's hardly worth it. It's the worst film on the set (Capture of Bogfoot is the best one) and also probably the worst Bigfoot movie I've seen. I'm not kidding, it's really terrible. The acting is abysmal and the ending is abrupt and out of sync with the rest of the movie. It's not even fun as a bad movie (like the others in this set are in varying degrees). The only two highlights are the Deliverance-type musical scene near the beginning with the mandolin (which is in fact credited to "The Deliverance Band" in the end credits) and the simulated scene where a guy is backdooring his girlfriend and Bigfoot cuts in. This has to be seen to be believed. A truly awful movie.

If it's female nudity occurring in a Bigfoot film you really want, seek out Demonwarp. In that one, the female nudity is supplied by none other than Michelle Bauer, who unlike the girls in this stinker, is actually hot. Veteran actor George Kennedy is also on hand for a little credibility. Demonwarp is no masterpiece, don't get me wrong, but along side this movie it begins to look like one.

