Was Carin abused?

When she says "My entire life men have been attracted to me. My entire life." Then she goes on about how she used to wish she was a butterfly when she was a little girl.

"Don't mess with people who serve your food." ~Waiting


I'd say it's a safe bet.



It's a safe bet to say she was raped and/or abused.


its such a tragedy that she was actually afraid of man...then fell in love with patch and gave men another chance...:( so sad...


"and then fel in love with Patch"..and was murdered thereafter. She wasn't even a woman in real life (not transsexual of course, "she" was made up and bassed on a real life guy who was a budyd of Patch-and appeared too late in the film).

In a word:

Great scene, btw.


I was always under the impression she was raped.


At least all of this was fabricated and that this character was completely made up for the film.

Seriously, what were the filmmakers thinking?



She was either molested or raped. Too bad though it NEVER HAPPENED IN REAL LIFE! There was no Carin. There was no molestation/rape. There was no romance between her and Patch. Carin never existed. The closest thing is Patch's real life friend that was murdered in a similar fashion but was a MAN. Not a woman. The whole thing was made up for the sake of the film.

Oh members of IMDb, yours is a dim-witted and insane lot!


Oh members of IMDb, yours is a dim-witted and insane lot!

I resemble that remark.


What?! A movie with fictional characters and untrue events?! WHAT?! NO! I don't believe you! This can't be!
But it says its based on a true story! Is that not the same as a documentary?! NO?! OH LORD! MY WORLD IS FALLING APART AROUND ME!

Sorry I had a moment of insanity there where I connected with you, but common sense has returned and I no longer care for your opinions.


She was never raped and never molested, in fact she never even existed.

"I really wish Gia and Claire had became Tanner" - Honeybeefine


Congratulations, you responded to the wrong person and bring nothing to the table. Your very existence is completely redundant.


Not nearly as redundant as this Carin character, I at least exist.

"I really wish Gia and Claire had became Tanner" - Honeybeefine


