What a load of rubbish!

I saw one episode of this tripe on cable during a recent visit to the Philippines.
One of the characters was (supposedly) a Royal Air Force pilot. She was portrayed as a Gor Blimey Londoner - we're not all Cockneys, you know! - and stupid to boot.
When shown wearing flying overalls she wore pilot's wings. In uniform she had no wings. Her shoulder-boards were on the wrong way round, with the button at the shoulder and the stripes of her rank at the neck. She was wearing the badges of a Squadron Leader (equiv Major) but was referred to as a Flight Lieutenant (equiv Captain). She was also wearing a non-existent medal ribbon.
In my experience UK programme-makers almost invariably get uniforms wrong whereas the Yanks do a much better job of it. Not this time though!
My main complaint is that the woman was shown to be so damned dippy; why? I didn't watch another episode - you get only one chance to make a first impression, and the makers of this codswallop blew it!

Festina lente!


While I know nothing of uniforms, and barely ever saw any of this show, I agree with your title (What a load of rubbish!). I'm from Pensacola, home of the most beautiful beaches in FL, and this show sure as hell wasn't filmed there. They used some Hollywood set and tried to pass it off as placed at P'cola NAS. Dead give-away: the sands of Pensacola beach are pure white.

No, it's not just you. I never make sense.


I live in in Niceville and I find it funny too that it supposed to be Florida and they're flying around mountains. LOL!


I live in P'cola too. What a bunch of fake crap!! Where'd the damn mountains come from? Georgia??

Cowboys don't wear boots to be cool. They wear them to make their asses look good in jeans!


I think they filmed it in San Diego.


"My main complaint is that the woman was shown to be so damned dippy; why?"

If you'd watched more than one, you'd have learned that she was probably the most vicious, least self-centered person in the group. Too bad you decided to draw a conclusion after just a few minutes of exposure. If all you do is trust first impressions, you must be pretty easy to screw over.

I agree with the other stuff though, it seems so easy to GET IT RIGHT, why is it so many TV shows don't? I mean, spend an hour looking at pictures in books before you design things like uniforms, ya know?


Yep, i'm from Pensacola too and I do believe they filmed this in California.


The idea of four officers having that much well rounded training is rubbish. Stupid show.




you know in shows like this they LEGALLY have to make uniforms inaccurate !!!!

because otherwise they can be charged with impersonating military officer if the uniforms are spot on
