
It's pretty interesting how high and mighty Kathleen gets about "superstores" and the "big bad chain stores" but she buys coffee at Starbucks.

Just a thought.

tell him about the twinkie.


Based on the comments I've see on this board over the years, it seems that nearly everyone finds Kathleen's attitude inconsistent, odd, or at least, as you put it, interesting. For what it's worth, near the end of the YGM director's commentary, Nora Ephron had nice things to say about Starbucks.


That's because her local cafe was likely replaced by a Starbucks some time before the start of the movie timeline.


I think the point of this movie is exactly that. We don't really care about others until it effects us personally.


I don't get the feeling that was the point of the movie or that the director even noticed the inconsistency

Consider the daffodil. And while you're doing that I'll be over here looking through your stuff.


I have never thought about it like that, but then again it is not like she is competing against Starbucks. And plus the fact is that there is only one scene where they are seen in Starbucks. So are you saying that Kathleen Kelly is a Hypocrite. You wonder if they forgot about that part later on in the movie. And yes Starbucks is a chain store, but it is just like my point is that she wasn't competing against Starbucks, as her small book store didn't serve coffee, bakery food, or even Breakfast. She more against big giant book stores like Fox & Son Books, so if Starbucks were more of a bookstore then I bet she would have been all high and mighty. But then again would you want to go into a bookstore named Starbucks?


There are at least 3 scenes at Starbucks.

All things being equal, I'd rather be snorting cocaine off a hooker's ass.


The point is that she was complaining about having huge corporations move into the neighbourhood, but had no problem with Starbucks, which put many small coffee shops out of business. Pot, meet kettle.


I was also surprised to see she had prefab shelving in her apartment. When I saw those little holes for re-positioning the shelves, I wondered if she got them at Ikea. Then I remembered Phoebe Buffay's love-hate relationship with Pottery Barn.



The same thing crossed my mind !

" You ain't running this place, Bert, WILLIAMS is!" Sgt Harris


She only cared about her business. She could care less about small business in general.
