MovieChat Forums > Rounders (1998) Discussion > Most unrealistic scene in all movie hist...

Most unrealistic scene in all movie history

Nobody's turning down Famke Jansen when she's throwing herself at you. Nobody. Even straight women and gay men would go for her. I mean, come on, she's only the perfect mate, for chrissakes:

I want the doctor to take your picture so I can look at you from inside as well.


True. Nothing more needs to be said.



So true !



You don't know if Mike has go down that road with her before, or if she has a reputation for getting around. I have a friend that is hot AF, built amazingly, but I know she's big time drama, and it's just not worth it.

Wayne Enterprises buys and sells companies like Stark Industries


That wouldn't stop me from, ahem, "going down that road" again.

I want the doctor to take your picture so I can look at you from inside as well.


sorry she looked very skanky now xmen now we talking!!!!!!!!!


I have to concur. The only reason I can see for turning that down is if she was, at one time, one of Grama's hookers. Even then...

I donโ€™t need you to tell me how good my coffee is.๎‚›. ๎€๎‚ฌ


I dunno - He just lost his live in girlfriend, he's doing crappy in school, and just found out he's 7k in debt -

Although sex is a big stress reliever, you never know - Each to his own -


Oh come on. No-one here would have turned her down. I found the scene where Knish shows up to Law School to warn Mike about Worm more unrealistic. In a film where no-one had cellphones Knish travelled however far it was just to warn Mike about Worm and knows exactly where he is on campus.


It was 1998 not a lot of people had cell phones. Also Mike had hit that before maybe she isn't all that in the sack?


That was my point. No-one had cellphones but somehow Knish easily finds Mike at law school. Im not disputing people didn't have them in 1998.


Mike was so fking pissed off when he found out worm had not paid her back and ran up another 8k on his books...Mike can, and prolly already has, banged her anyway. She's not that great
