MovieChat Forums > Rounders (1998) Discussion > KGB holding two tens in the last hand?

KGB holding two tens in the last hand?

In the last hand, after Mike beats KGB, if you play the scene very slowly, just a fraction of a second after KGB angrily throws the chips over the table, you can see that he also throws his two cards over the table, the two cards that he had been holding all over during the hand. If you freeze the scene frame after frame you can see that the two cards swirl in the air, and in one of this frames you can see the front of KGB's two cards.

If you look very closely the marks of the cards, it seems clearly that KGB had two tens. He definitely did not have two aces as the FAQ speculates. Either he had two tens or two sevens or sixes. That's why he was raising, hoping that his three of a kind would beat Mike's hand. Play the scene very slowly and freeze frame by frame and you will see.


So teddy flopped the 2nd nuts, he wasn't sweating mike flopping the nuts, because mike doubled the blinds. In all likelyhood, despite him saying you're on a draw mike, he put mike on a smaller set, he saw mike was baiting and trapping him, but teddy thought he was trapping mike w an over set. I wish they would have shown what teddy was holding the whole time though.
