MovieChat Forums > Rounders (1998) Discussion > ** Craziest hand anyone will ever see......

** Craziest hand anyone will ever see.....EVER.

I'm at the table. Dude to my left pops it like three times the blind. Dude on his left calls, dude to that dude's left calls. Everyone else has folded. It's three way.


7h 8h 9h

Dude to my left throws in a healthy bet. Dude to his left pops it all in. Dude to HIS left re-pops it all in. Dude to my left reluctantly folds but holds his cards to show us.

And what does he show us once the remaining dude called the re-raise....?


Donk fold, you might think, right? WROOOOOOOONG!!!!!

Dude to his left turns over 5h 6h for a straight flush. But wait.....there's more......

Dude to HIS left turns over 10h Jh for the nut straight flush.

Looked it up- at the very LEAST it's 12million to 1 odds of that hand happening.

Top THAT, y'all!!


He's an idiot because there probably was a bad beat jackpot.


Bad beat jackpots don't pay off on Ace high flushes


I was playing a game with my sister, she was new to it. Had a straight flush and didn't realize it.

i told you not to stop the boat. Now lets go. Apocaylpse Now


Lol, you must be a younger/newer poker player. I've seen that exact scenario at least 6 times live and twice online (party poker days), and every time the ace folded (smart/right decision), any pro or semi-serious poker player will tell you it's common sense to fold the ace (in that situation) unless you're playing with amateurs then it's a different story, rules go out the window when playing with amateurs.


You've seen the nut flush with two straight flushes in the same hand...SIX TIMES??? And wait- the Ace folded ALL SIX TIMES??? Ummmm, yeeeeeeeah, ooooookaaaaaaaaaayyyyy- on both accounts.

It's basically impossible that you witnessed that very scenario that many times. Sorry pal, go spread your lies somewhere else.


Ive seen this exact same scenario happen 7 times at the same table on the same day!

and that 5-6 of hearts got what he deserved for being in that hand. lol

I <3 Emily Blunt


And I've seen you eat a bag of donkey nuts. But don't worry pal, I won't say nuthin.


I was just making fun of the guy who said he'd seen this 7 times. Relax, guy.

I <3 Emily Blunt


Yes, I realize you weren't attempting to convince anyone that you saw that happen 7 times in one day (let alone 7 lifetimes)- I just felt like making silly quip involving the consumption of donkey nuts.

Carry on.


I thought this hand was pretty crazy so I told my brother about it. He plays more than I do, regularly goes to the Casino on the weekends. He said he was at a table where two guys flopped a straight flush and a third player turned a full house.

The table hit a bad beat jackpot where the loser was paid 60K, the winner of the hand 40K and everybody else at the table 10K, just for being at the table.

And one guy had gone to smoke a cigarette and missed out on the 10K. lol

So yeah, I guess this kind of hand isnt all that rare.

I <3 Emily Blunt


Lol you rule


Wow, Horrible play. He flops the absolute nuts. Get's good action, has players to act behind him.......and he pushes all in? On the top end of a straight flush lol.....Its a great hand but the guy didn't deserve to get paid.


Agreed. It was a terrible move, but it was cool to see when they all turned over their cards.



I've seen a hand nearly as crazy. I am on the button in a loose 4-8 game, with 56c, and utg has live-straddled. It's then raised to the cap by the next two players. It's a family pot by the time it gets to me, so I'd be stupid to not play.

flop: 4c7c8c (I flopped the straight flush, if you missed it)
Small blind bets, big blind raises, two calls, then raised by two mid position players to the cap, and called all the way to me. I call.

Turn: Kh
At this point, 4 players fold to the big bets. But again it's capped before I see the bet.

River: 4s
Finally, it's only three bets when it gets to me. Of the other 6 players in the pot, I am the only one who hasn't raised yet. It only now occurs to them that I've called capped bets cold 3 times already, and they all look down to my end-table seat with a shocked look in their eyes as I say, "Cap it, and thank you for your donations." The dealer nearly peed, as he was a friend of mine, and knew I wouldn't bother saying anything like that without stone nuts.


The whole table was covered in chips. People were taking pictures of the pot. It took me 15 minutes to stack it all.
This is a professional relationship.


That really is an unbelievable hand, even when compared to the one I saw with 2 straight flushes and the nut flush all hitting on the flop. The unbelievable part, of course being HOW MANY people flopped the crap out of yours. Seeing the hands at the end of the recap was the best part. SIX people destroying the flop all at once- with the least comfortable guy having KK with an 8 high flop.

The one thing you failed to mention was how many people called you once you said (for some reason) "thank you for your donations". Fact is, the only two people I can see calling are 77 and 88 with boats. But I'm a NL player, so who knows, maybe it's just a given that they all simply had to call due to pot commitment..


The only guy who folded was the Ace high flush (small blind, would have been a cold $32 for him), and he did it cards up. The king high flush should have folded when it came to him three bets cold, but after calling that, the other $8 was an after-thought. (although it was surely a case of throwing good money after bad)

It really taught me how little other players pay attention to playing style at low limit games; I was playing tight and aggressive (at a loose-aggressive table) so the fact that I was willing to cold call three capped bets should have told everyone at the table that I had a real hand, and when I came over the top on the river, everyone should have been able to call my cards without looking. (even absent my comment)

I've won many bigger pots in larger games later in my playing, but I will always remember that one just for the number of bets on the table. It happened before they put betting lines on tables, but imagine a hold-em table with the entire interior of the betting line covered in chips. It was quite a sight.

This is a professional relationship.


Awesome! So what was the officially tally of Mt. Chipmore?


It wasn't quite 500, but it was close. I didn't do a precise count, because two hands later, while still stacking, I flopped a nut flush. Some days are like that...if only I had more of them while playing 20-40.

This is a professional relationship.


Just a good thing someone else didn't flop the STRAIGHT flush against your nut flush, ha!

Good stuff. Take the wins when you can!




Still think it's bad fold by the guy with ah 3h. he might have been right there but I bet there's been tons of times where he's folded the best hand in a must play spot like that.


Nah, with 2 4's out there, he had to absolutely know at that point that there was at least a boat out there. flush is great- but with the board paired and people going wild, not a tough fold (other than the value he was giving up for the $32).


No I'm referring to your original hand that you posted.


Oh, right. Yeah, I guess it's a case of having to be in the hand and really seeing the action and how aggressively/confidently it's being played out. He just knew he was beat.


I might be able to top it. I witnessed a guy flop a straight flush two hands in a row.
