MovieChat Forums > Rounders (1998) Discussion > Would Mike and Worm ever make up?

Would Mike and Worm ever make up?

I know he put Mike in debt by a few thousand, almost got him killed at a card game, and then left him hanging to pick up the Russian mobster's debt while he cut and ran out of there (even though Mike vouched for him).

But despite it all, could Mike and Worm have possibly remained friends? They'd known each other since childhood.

~ I'm a 21st century man and I don't wanna be here.


"As for Worm, I figure we are even..."

There comes a time when you pull water from the well too many times and it will eventually become dry. Worm was a selfish @sshole that got his friend into alot of trouble. Me personally, I would just wish him well and call it a day.


It's hard to completely turn your back but I think Mike was turning his back on that entire chapter of his life. Not holding onto grudges or whatever. Calling it even with Worm, same for his girl. It's a new start. Mike has strong character, I wouldn't rule anything out but Worms future doesn't look too bright


I would say that Mike would still have Worm's back if he needed him and that he'd always consider him a friend. I have friendships with a similar dynamic to the Mike / Worm friendship. You never really give up on the "Worms" because you know that once you do, they've got nobody.


You guys must be some very gullible people.


I learned the hard way, I no longer associate with "works." Who needs friends like that?


Friends like worm are great to have in high school, but they all go the same way afterwards. In this case it was gambling, but 9 times out of 10 its drugs or other shady antics they get into that you obviously want no part of later in life.


I agree here what everyone says, however think of this......As much trouble as Worm is and as much trouble he caused for Mike, Worm did something very noble. Worm kept his mouth shut and went to jail for Mike. I think this is what most people miss. Worm now has a permanent record and Jail time. Mike is clean. True Worm did some scumbag things but because of him, Mike still has a fair chance in life.

So my thoughts are that Mike would still have his back if needed.

That being said, I don't think that Worm can find a way to get to Vegas. Plus, how would Worm even know that Mike was in Vegas. I highly doubt he is going back home since he has no idea that Mike cleared his debt. So Worm won't be associating with anyone.

The way I see it is.............Mike starts earning a living in Vegas and Worm ends up messing with the wrong people and he gets killed.
