MovieChat Forums > Instinct (1999) Discussion > What is it that makes this movie get hig...

What is it that makes this movie get high rates?

Well, you get the wrong ideas about things. It seems that they want to say that the way of nature is the good way to be. Clichés and inacurracies spoil it all.

I find it quite unbelievable that an intelligent psychiatrist would be so caught up in such a thing. This man just takes the easy way out to survive by instinct alone, and that's not hard to understand i think. Everyone who is even a little bit spontaneous sometimes should know what i'm talking about. But people are very afraid to stop thinking and to live by instinct.

And euh, the thing with the ace of spades was exactly a situation you would find in nature, survival of the fittest (the fat one and later on Powell in this case ). Nature is cruel for sure, beautiful too, like everything it has it good sides and it bad sides.

In this movie they make you believe that the life in nature is peaceful and that you just has to give up the sense of power to be part of it. C'mon, nature is full of animals who take control. Other animals take a subordinate position towards their leader and take control over other things. Animals kill eachother all the time, just like people. And the reason why people have problems with living together is just because there is no place, if everyone would have their own territory, there wouldn't be such a problem.

Because there are so many of humans, people tend to make a difference, and they can do that by taking is much as possible to be rich, to have confidence in the future and especially to have sex.

I guess i'm saying is that people are not so different from animals, they are just trying to survive in a different way.

I don't expect much reactions on this, a lot of people don't understand me although it's not complex at all cause it's just about balance.


I agree with much of what you are saying. One thing I think you should keep in mind, though, is that humans are much different than other animals. we have the ability to have a kind of control that other animals are not capable of having, and the makers of this film are suggesting that we are abusing that power. I agree with them. Instinct is also suggesting that many of the times we think we have control, we really don't, and I agree with that as well.


"we have the ability to have a kind of control that other animals are not capable of having"

there's a difference in the reach of the power, not in general behaviour.
that's kind of normal, like i said before, there are much more individuals to compete with.
our ability to think and to reason is just another tool to survive (a very effective one too)

"abusing that power" : Indeed, we are abusing that power, again to survive and to let our children survive.

nevertheless there are people who go against this, well, they can see that we are destroying the world and so destroying our habitat we need to survive.

It's not a easy matter for sure :-), it's a part of my character to see as many sides as possible.

"Instinct is also suggesting that many of the times we think we have control, we really don't, and I agree with that as well. " : true, but isn't it a rather good thing if that isn't said? People will try harder to get control if they know that, it's false hope to think they'll give up. If that is so, this movie isn't very good at learning us a lesson. And all the more, I feel that a movie shouldn't have that function.

anyway, what is good? what is bad?
Like, it would be a good thing that the world would explode because that would stop all the suffering. Kind of drastic but true.


We are different from other animals. I'm surfing the internet right now. How many other animal species do you know are doing that right now?

Because we are different, we must know we are, and instead of emploiting this dominance (poaching, destroying wildlife habitat for capitalism, etc.), we must rise above our selfishness and be sure to act as protectors. That's not to say it's always wrong to kill animals or build houses.


I disagree with your vision of the movie. It's not a question of god or bad. Civilisation is not presented as bad and nature as good (after all, the violence of Anthony Hopkins never seems pleasant). It's about the fact that we have lost something in the process.
Not human as such but westerners as a modern civilisation.
The psychiatrist played by Hopkins never says "animals are best than us" and he points to Cuba Gooding jr that he was not an ape during these years but "a human being amongst the apes." He never forgot who he was.
Civilisation is not presented as bad (the Cuba Gooding jr character is positive, open minded and, even if he understands Anthony Hopkins, he's always very civilised), and I don't think the movie tries to teach a lesson. But he induce some questions about the civisation others have build for us and the fact we don't control the nature even with our technological achievment. Why can't we decide for ourselves ? Why are our choice supposed to be only defined by selfishness, when selfishness is a product of civilisation ? (No so-called primitive group defines as westerners do the egoism as a natural way of life, or social cohesion would break by itself.)

The Ace of Spade story can't be compared with natural behaviour. The point is that the competition between patients is favorised when there is no reason to. In nature, there is no gratuitous competition. As a matter of fact, in nature, even the most ferocious predators take what they need and let others feed with what 's left. Everyone can have his turn if there's enough food for it, even the weakest. Here, there could be more space. There could be a better way, but what is driving the guardian is not a sense of equality, but just sadism and this thrill to be the one with the power.

As said in the movie, western civilisation could be a virus. Global warming produced by atmospheric pollution in no more a polemic subject for scientists but is as close as possible as a reality. Some scientists says they don't even know if a the process can be stopped.
Well, I hope they are wrong. But surely, there must be something wrong with our way of thinking.
We think people who don't fit in our society are crazy.
Strange because there are a lot of primitive civilisation, in Africa or South America, where the very concept of madness does not exist. Why ? BECAUSE THEY DON'T HAVE ANY CRAZY PEOPLE. So are people mad because of the civilisation ? Or is it just because there are ethnic groups who have ways to use them as "productive citizen" (shaman, etc.), so those people don't suffer of their mental condition ? Tough one.

You say : "Because there are so many of humans, people tend to make a difference, and they can do that by taking is much as possible to be rich, to have confidence in the future and especially to have sex.
I guess i'm saying is that people are not so different from animals, they are just trying to survive in a different way. "

I agree about the fact we are not so different from animals. But I disagree on crucial matters. If wanting to have enough money to live well is a way of survival, wanting to be rich and to have more money than you can spend, is purely a product of modern civilisation. Wanting to have more than you can spend during your lifetime is not a way to survive. Greed can't be justified because it's natural.


predators don't take what they need, they take what they can use. if tigers had freezers, they would be stocked full of antelope meat. there is no gratuitous competition in nature, but there is no gratuitous kindness either. wanting to have mroe than you can spend dur8ing your lifetime is a good way to ensure that your descendents will be able to live comfortably after you die. and remember, before that predator was sharing its food with all the weaker animals, it killed one of them so it could have lunch. and because it left a lot of the food instead of taking it for later, it's going to have to go out and kill another when it gets hungry again.
as far as craziness, that is just crap. people aren't crazy when they don't fit our society, people are crazy when they don't fit reality. our society classifies them and boxes them off and ignores them as abberations, which is bad, but it doesn't create them. schizophrenics don't stop being schizophrenic when you give them magic hats and call them shaman. if someone likes being a shaman then great, but if they don't? well now they're crazy AND exploited.

i SAID good day, sir!


"predators don't take what they need, they take what they can use. if tigers had freezers, they would be stocked full of antelope meat"
Yep, we should do that to preserve the endangered species : give them freezers. Cause animals like soooo much modern comfort...

"wanting to have mroe than you can spend dur8ing your lifetime is a good way to ensure that your descendents will be able to live comfortably after you die"
Well, it can be seen as "transforming your descendants into lazy spoiled brats" but you know, that's just my opinion...

"and remember, before that predator was sharing its food with all the weaker animals, it killed one of them so it could have lunch. and because it left a lot of the food instead of taking it for later, it's going to have to go out and kill another when it gets hungry again. "
Yes, and your point is ?
The predator like to kill.
He must do that on a regular basis so he's well trained.
And he shares his meal when it's finished.

Well let's see how we do that in modern society. When we have too much food we... dump it. Yep. People of our own species are starving but wealthy society prefer to destroy food (even sometimes meat, which mean that animals were killed for absolutly no reason) than giving it... Tigers are more generous…

"as far as craziness, that is just crap. people aren't crazy when they don't fit our society, people are crazy when they don't fit reality. our society classifies them and boxes them off and ignores them as abberations, which is bad, but it doesn't create them. schizophrenics don't stop being schizophrenic when you give them magic hats and call them shaman. if someone likes being a shaman then great, but if they don't? well now they're crazy AND exploited. "
Because our society is so keen to ask every crazy people what kind of life they wants for themeselves ? That's new...


when you come up with a point that actually makes any sense, let me know and i'll come back.

i SAID good day, sir!

