Why not more posts?

I thought this was a very good movie. Why don't more people talk about it? There are other films that have been out a lot longer and the boards are a lot more talkative. I don't even remember hearing about this movie coming out in theaters so that is probably an indicator of why this board is not more popular.


yeah, I don't think that this movie is that widely known or popular at least. But I also agree with you; this movie was very good.


I've loved it aswell, and maybe its because its topic itsn't socially welcome. it goes against everything that western society has taught us since birth. capitalism, consumerism, materialism. i just loved the scene when he relinqueshes his hat, and kinda becomes one with nature. just like the animals he loved so dearly, he becomes one of them. And why not. We're animals. We've just been taught and still are, that we are superior just because we have cognitive tought and an thumb. And with all that, God's favourite children are fu**ing up the planet, his home. dont we deserve a spank?


That's exactly right Nomade. i loved this movie. For years ever since I was a little kid I've thought the way hopkins charachter thinks and finally after god knows how many years of mental torture I finally found someone who thinks the way I do. I saw it in '99. also the same year Fight club came out another movie that tackled social issues. Such as consumerism. How we all look happy on the surface but deep down we're all just spiritually pathetic. Our technology has severely surpassed our spirituality. And that's why we can't even figure out how to live with one another, save a marriage, but can still fly to the moon or create bombs that can blow up the entire planet. ANyways I'd love to talk more about this movie so let's keep this thread going.
