MovieChat Forums > Instinct (1999) Discussion > Why did this film cost $55 M?

Why did this film cost $55 M?

There aren't many special effects in this film (some guys in gorillas suits), and nothing blows up (the action bits are straight fight scenes).

So why did this film cost $55M? Just curious if anyone knows. It looks like they just about made a profit but it could have been a much greater profit.


well there's Cuba, Hopkins, a few people who get some decent cash, the basic costs of a film, the travelling cost... I guess it adds up


Thanks for the note! Also, I just learned that they used animatronic gorillas, not humans in suits, so that must have been expensive.





If the gorillas were real, the actors were animatronic and the jungle was digitalised it would have been a lot cheaper.


I think Cuba Gooding Jr IS animatronic. What other explanation is there for his one-note performance in every film?

Luckily, Hopkins carries this film brilliantly.


Are actors' salaries included in the budget that IMDb lists? I remember hearing they don't include marketing costs (because it's the production budget), but I don't know if salaries fall under that.

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the salaries of the actors to produce the movie would definitely fall under the header of production costs.


Totally agree. Cuba trashes this movie. He could educate his acting all he wanted and it wouldent make a difference. He sucks so bad. Thanks to Hopkins the movie barely floats in a sea of horribly cuba-acting.


I thought he did an amazing job in this movie.


I like Cuba alright in some movies, and he was okay through most of this movie for me, but the scene where he's telling Anthony Hopkins goodbye while he's staring out the window refusing to talk, was just really cheesy. Cuba Gooding Jr. was really bad in that scene IMHO, it's no wonder Anthony Hopkins didn't want to talk to him at that point! Anyhow, I enjoyed the movie overall, Anthony Hopkins was masterful in his performance *AS ALWAYS*. I swear I've never seen that guy give anything less than outstanding acting in any movie. He could be in Teletubbies and I'm sure I'd still find him riveting, lol.


In the late 90 and 2000 I remember ALL Touchtone pictures being very overpriced. Everything from Armageddon in 1998 to Mission to Mars in 2000 and everything in between.

If anyone has proof that the Idiocracy isn't upon us please show me.
