Jim Carrey ?????

Could someone please tell me which scene Jim Carrey is actually in as i didn't see him at all in this shockingly awful film, and sadly i only brought it to see him in it. How foolish do i feel !!!!!


He plays Ralph Parker the speechless photographer at the nudest camp


About as foolish as I did. You'd have thought a big picture of Jim Carrey on the front of the DVD wuold have had him in it alot more. Obvioulsy they only did this to sell DVD's. Robbing bastards.

I'm leaving you, Jerry. I'm leaving you - and I'm taking the monkey with me.


A lot of old, obscure, no-budget movies get this treatment if they happen to feature major stars before their fame. It really is a scam the way they re-release them and promote them as if these actors are the stars.
