MovieChat Forums > Ark II (1976) Discussion > Star Trek sounds...

Star Trek sounds...

This show utilized A LOT of sounds from the 60s series, Star Trek.

Not that it was a bad thing, nor do I know if it was intentional or not...since it had some similarities with Star Trek.

"I need you to intervene!"-Helen Parr/Elastigirl, The Incredibles, 2004


Norm Prescott and Lou Scheimer and their Filmation company produced the animated Star Trek series, so even some of the music from the animated Star Trek appears in Filmation's Ark II, Space Academy, and Jason of Star Command. There are also sound effects from Lost in Space and so on, and the partially colored sleeves/pants costumes were almost certainly inspired by Rudi Gernreich's designs for the unisex Moonbase Alpha uniforms on Space: 1999.


The other thing is that those sound effects were licensed from Glen Glenn Sound. They were the big sound effects house back then. It was more a matter of sticking with a company whose product the producer's knew, and not so much liking the "noises" with different shows for audience familiarity.
