Movie vs the book.

I have read the book but have not yet seen the film.
So I was wondering could anyone tell me of any of the changes?


The best thing about the movie is James Woods as the main character. The movie doesn't realy detail the strong, emotional bond between the two male leads. Instead, it goes for a cop out that is totally different from the book. I saw the movie first, and was pleasantly surprised when I read the book and saw that SPOILER Mel doesn't try to abandon the kid. Great book, good movie. Read the sequel, too, STEEL TOES. RIP Eddie Little.


There's a backstory to Rosie's past that is not fully told, unless you see the uncut version. Even then, I don't think they truly do it justice. They also change her ethnicity and how she dies.

There are many more minor characters in the book.

In the film, you see less of Bobby's point of view, whereas in the book, it is told mainly through his eyes.

The ending is also different, but similar in tone.

"I don't know about what happened. . . because once you start writing, it all becomes fiction."
