
The world needs more men like Walsingham. Men that do what needs to be done, not what PC culture says needs to be done. Men who do a thankless job for the long term benefits of people and country, not for quarterly reports and apologetic press conferences.

Men who stay in the shadows and do the necessary evil job that keep the country safe. Men who shun instead of seek the limelight like attention whores.

The Walsingham's of this world are a dying breed unfortunately.


He was my favorite Character.
Geoffrey Rush was amazing in this part and I also liked the fact that he protected his queen because he genuinely loved her and cared for her instead of like other men of that time just cared for power and rising in the social scale to later betray the Queen.


He was my favorite Character.
I loved the character too and I can quite easily understand why his onscreen role was enlarged in the sequel.🐭


My sentiments exactly. A true patriot, doing it for country not money or power.


We have many like him! They're in the CIA!;)


And they prevent you from being blown up during Holiday shopping. Because they blow up the guys planning it.



I've just watched this movie again and I am completely smitten with Geoffry Rush! Not merely for his remarkable acting talents, but also for the visceral provocative he exudes with (seemingly) little effort. LUV him!!!


OP talks a lot of hogwash.

Its that man again!!


The CIA are good at starting trouble, not saving people from it.
