
Does anyone know where I could get the soundtrack to Waking the Dead... or if a soundtrack even exists? Thanks.



The director said that no, there wasn't any soundtrack. Apparently, there was some trouble getting the rights cleared, so nothing ever came of it. But this was a couple years ago, so who knows?...

"I used to live at home. Now I stay at the house." - Paul Westerberg


according to the dvd, they couldnt get the rights to release a soundtrack which is a shame. the music used in the menus is however the from the movie. you might also check out the soundtrack to the "Mothman Prophecies", the same guys did the score for it.


The beautiful (and beautifully matched) opening track is Joni Mitchell's "a case of you" from her brilliant album "Blue".

I always knew it was going to be like this.
