MovieChat Forums > Waking the Dead (2000) Discussion > A Very Intoxicating Movie!

A Very Intoxicating Movie!

I've seen this movie about ten times and love it, but everytime I see it I can never decide whether or not Fielding is imagining Sarah or if she's really alive. I don't like hoping for either because I feel so sorry for Fielding. He loved her so much, but he couldn't be with her anyway you look at it. They loved each other so much, but their ideals and goals were so opposite, and Sarah was the only one to actually do something about it. If she is alive, they can't be together, and if she's dead they still can't be together. I guess maybe I'd be happier with "she's dead", because at least she didn't leave him. I don't know, I'm just rambling, I haven't slept in 38 hours. Finals suck, and here I am obviously studying for my final. ; )

Being crazy has its perks.


Intoxicating is a perfect word to describe the love these characters shared. As I watched the movie for the first time I was desperately hoping she was alive but when she didn't stay, in my heart I decided that I wanted her to be dead. I prefer to think that love conquers all. If their love, which was so powerfully translated by the actors, can't overcome their differences then what hope do the rest of us have.

Yes...I can't deny it any longer...I am a hopeless romantic.


I prefer to think that love conquers all. If their love, which was so powerfully translated by the actors, can't overcome their differences then what hope do the rest of us have.

I felt exactly the same way - which is why I chose to believe she is dead. Although there is some doubt in my mind. Great movie.

There is no you, there is only me...


I prefer to think that love conquers all. If their love, which was so powerfully translated by the actors, can't overcome their differences then what hope do the rest of us have.

Sarah said something in the end about how what they both want is to be together, but it's just not possible because of what they're meant to do in life.

If they were together, then they wouldn't reach their goals, goals that might help thousands or even millions of people.

That's why I personally find this movie so heartbreaking and hard to swallow, because Sarah had to choose between Fielding and her higher purpose. Sure, what better "higher purpose" can one have than to give yourself entirely to one person and have that person give themselves entirely to you, forever?

They both found what everybody looks for, they found their "soulmate". And most of us would say, "hey, I made it, I'm happy now." But not Sarah, she knew she could do a lot of good, and she knew that Fielding could do a lot of good as well, but they just couldn't do it together because of the lives they both led. She knew Fielding wouldn't understand, not right away anyways, in the end I think he did. He realizes that Sarah is happy doing whatever it is that she's doing, that's why he gets better and tells Sarah to "keep fighting".

Another thing, let's not forget that Sarah says that it's "dangerous" for Fielding to be talking about her. This could indicate that in the end, it wasn't her decision to "dissapear" and that there are other forces that made her go away. But who knows...

I personally think this movie goes beyond, way beyond the classic "love story". I wouldn't classify it as a love story though, it's more of a life story where decisions are basic on all levels, where nothing is trivial and everything leads to something, destiny wise. It's very real and it doesn't feed us the whole "happily ever after" thing. It hits us hard because some of us have lost someone we've loved with every inch of our being, it hits us hard because some of us have that person and don't want to lose it in the future, it hits us hard because we're vulnerable like Fielding and don't want to end up thinking we've lost our minds because of the person that gives sense to our lives.

Their love conquered in the end, just not in a simple way.

I loved it, even if it scared the hell out of me and made me weep like a baby.


Dear God, that was a good description. And it completely made me weep like a baby, too. I love this movie so much :( But it's definitely not one that I can watch everyday or something. It's just too much :(


I love this movie too. Talk about a must have DVD. What I find interesting, weird, is how Fielding seems, at the start of the film, that he's moved on with his life, started a new life, and if he hasn't forgotten about Sarah, he definitely seems like he's put her in some distant place. But then it all rushes back to him - the grief, the emotion, and then the haunting visions of her. I think we can all identify with people in our lives who have "vanished" - friends from high school, etc. who are gone from your life to the point that you only have your memories of them. Sometimes you look back at people you knew from years ago and you almost wonder if they're real or not, whether you can trust your memories.

You knew the ending wasn't going to give any easy answers, and if you've ever seen a movie in your life, you'd know not to expect any. I like how the movie kind of just tantalizes us with the answers to the mystery that lurk just out of reach. The atmosphere is great, although I'd wish they'd hadn't shot in Toronto, Canada(because I'm Canadian I recognize all of the Canadian actors which kind of took me out of the story).

This one of the movies that you feel like you "have to" read the book. The story has alot in common with Spencer's great book "Endless Love." Both are powerful stories about lost love.



My original interest in this film was generated because it was executive(ly) produced by Jodie Foster. I have even wondered if the facts that she was the producer and that politics played a major character in the film are the reason why anyone was afraid to endorse it and really push it, because it is one of the best films I have ever seen. Unless you're a big fan of hers, it really doesn't make any sense for me to try and explain that.

As I watch Waking the Dead, it makes me feel deeply comforted, which I guess is the same thing as feeling intoxicated, these days.

Billy Crudup, when he plays a character like Fielding or FH in "Jesus' Son" is so moving and believable that it is awe inspiring.

Maybe this film is a sleeper. I hope so. It is incredible.

