
Arrrgh!!! Why are there so many tasteless people in this world. This movie is nothing short of perfect.


This is one of my personal gems, those films that no one else I know has seen or cares about. You're not alone! 9/10

I always knew it was going to be like this.



Yes, this is an amazing film....deserves at least a 9/10 from me

But do you guys know why its such a low rating? It has nothing to do with the quality of the film, its because it has something to say, and that is: politics in the US. Now, this is only part of the movie, but in a lot of American's minds....if a film has ANYTHING to say about politics about their country (good or bad, except if its done in a comical way), they will give it a low rating, especially since most of them havent seen it.

I mean, look at the score for Lions for Lambs, I saw a pre-screening of it, loved it...and came back to this site (thinking it wouldnt be rated by many people since its released in a few weeks), and its got the same score as this film! Now, I can bet you that at least 75% of the votes for both these movies are based off offended people that only saw the trailer.

...I dont get people sometimes, I just dont get it.



I agree - I gave it a 10 after having finished seeing it once more.

It is a beautiful film and the acting is splendid and heartbreakingly so at times.

Even though, I hope you are not right about movies involving politics automatically receiving low rating but I fear you are spot on, CM.


Yes, people seem to be afraid to take a stance. They'd do better worrying about which stand to take than acting allergic to all political messages in films.

Especially left-winged films, like this one, get voted down by republicans who haven't seen it. This happens the other way around too, I'm sure, it just happens to be the case that there are more films arguing on the left side of the spectrum.

That being said, I felt the political message was underdeveloped to make a real impact here, so it's a very imperfect movie in that regard. The emotional scenes do make up for that.

...I am lost, I'm no guide, but I'm by your side...


I saw Lions for Lambs and was not impressed. It just wasn't a great film. It had nothing to do with the politics. It had campy dialog, poor direction and was overly "talky." Not to mention contrived. It consisted of 3 storylines linked with flashbacks and almost half the movie involved a horrifically mundane conversation between Cruise and Streep. By the end of the movie you've been taken in so many circles the room was spinning. I gave it a 6/10.

Waking the Dead on the other hand, was very good. 8/10

These eggs have yellow eyes. But if I turn them, the yellow is gone.


It's not perfect but it's definitely under-rated here. I gave it an 8/10.

These eggs have yellow eyes. But if I turn them, the yellow is gone.


I agree that Waking the Dead's in a whole other league than Lions for Lambs, the only segment worth anything was between Streep and an admittedly surprisingly good Cruise. Especially the 'emo' segment about the brothers in arms was gratuitous emotion, a bit like the whole runtime of WTC. You have to give something in return for an emotional investment the audience makes, when Connely walks through that door at the very end of the movie when you've already given up hope, you can't fake the emotion you feel then. Powerful and raw. Lions for Lambs was not about people, just Redford pushing his agenda.

BTW now that we're addressing political films, I think 'Charlie Wilson's War' is probably the only one about the war in Iraq that's gonna be worth something in a couple of years, the ace up it's sleeve:humor. There's only so much dead serious films you can watch before you've had your fill of it.

...I am lost, I'm no guide, but I'm by your side...


'Charlie Wilson's War' is probably the only one about the war in Iraq that's gonna be worth something in a couple of years, the ace up it's sleeve:humor.

Exactly. Now THAT was a good movie. And speaking of humor, Hoffman had me about rolling a couple times. Very good movie.

These eggs have yellow eyes. But if I turn them, the yellow is gone.


Have you ever heard of the term "spoiler alert"? I hate when people are so eager to put forth their opinion that they disregard other's potential experience. I have a hard time watching a movie when I've been told how it ends. So very easy to avoid: SPOILER ALERT.

Common sense for lovers of film.

