Underrated Film Noir

I can't believe how low a rating this film has got on imdb! I realise everyone's got their own opinion, but come on! This film's brilliant! The dialogue is sharp, the plot is intelligent, the characters are well-drawn and intriguing, and although it is a low-budget film, the acting is excellent.
Alright, some people have got gripes about the complexity of the plot - but give it time, it's worth sticking with (no pun intended). The film is esentially a modern noir in colour, with characters that could have easily come to life from out of a Raymond Chandler or Dashiell Hamnett novel. Plus the film in it's own unique way is a hard-boiled detective story, in which both Tucker and Drew are trying to figure out what is happening to them whilst being beguiled by the mysterious Isaac, who hovers on the periphery like a skeletal Orson Welles in The Third Man, whilst you have your love interest for Tucker, Ofelia acting as the femme fatale who drives al the plot and action.
This film has in it's low budget and unknown actors better dialogue, plot and cinematography than a lot of the trash that Hollywood puts out, such as Transformers by that talentless bint Michael Bay.
If you want a film that's fresh, challenging, intriguing, and if you like your films dark, interesting and weird, then watch this film.





Summarcaki, I feel your passion, mate.

I would not be surprised if the author (Brougher) is a fan of Phil Dick (for humor in the screwed-up situations for people who are just trying to write and work their lives) and Tim Powers (for the grotesque elements and disorienting scenes).

I think that this movie is a bit chilly - I didn't really sympathize with any of the characters - but I do prefer intellectual-games films to emotional films, so I enjoyed this a lot more than my male friends did. I guess they wanted lesbian sex scenes, which is hinted at in the advertising.

What we all got was the attempts to write a story unlike any other, and still make it somewhat autobiographical. If I'm right, this movie was a success. Hell, even if I'm wrong, it's still a success because I enjoyed it tons.

I'm sleepy, so I'm hoping that I wrote what I wanted to write.


Summarcaki: I do think you could convince more viewers if you got your punctuation correctly written. Otherwise, I love you for what you wrote!


agree. I love what that film was doing to me on a physical level even. Mesmerizing and totally sucking you in.
I rated it 9/10.

Only pyssies engage in discussions with d1cks, if I didn't reply you're a dick
