MovieChat Forums > Neon Maniacs (1986) Discussion > Please nominate this movie for worst mov...

Please nominate this movie for worst movie ever

Plan 9 From Outer Space and Ishtar are so bad they're funny, except Ishtar, but I think this movie is the funniest/worst movie ever! The monsters are rediculous and they can be stopped by water. There's a subway in San Francisco. This movie is the epitome of bad 80's films. But the funniest part is all the stupid zingers and when the jock gets hung in mid-air because he's trying to head-butt the monsters. His dying words were, "It goes both ways, bozos!" My friend bought me the dvd and it only gets funnier with time. I reccomend this movie above all other horrible movies. If you can, watch it.


Please nominate the above review for worst review ever.

"Plan 9 From Outer Space and Ishtar are so bad they're funny, except Ishtar"
That's like saying "apples and hamburgers are both fruit, except hamburgers"

So bad it's funny!


Water can kill them and yet they live IN A BRIDGE! ABOVE A RIVER!, who wrote this??


yeah this movie sucked.......... big time!! i havent seen it in years but why would i want to??


I only watched it because Andrew Divoff was in it then I could not see him he had a hood over his face and what a stupid ending but I've seen worse.


It's all in good 80's fun.


You guys take thoses movie way too personal and too serious to enjoy it, go outside smell some fresh air, calm yourself and enjoy life!!



" There's a subway in San Francisco."

Are you restating a fact? Or do you not know that there is a subway in San Francisco?

"The monsters are rediculous and they can be stopped by water."

And vampires can be stopped by garlic.

I feel more like I do now than I did when I got here.


neon maniacs iis a very cheesy film yes. its more cheesy then a french cellar filled with cheeses! but neon maniacs? awsome pile of cheesyness fun


It is typical B-grade horror and I for one love it. You just have to not take it seriously its a horror movie no more no less.


Sure water can kill them, if it worked for the aliens in signs it can work in anything.


I agree with your statement on what you said about Neon Maniacs being a typical B movie that you cannot take seriously but just have fun with it! I use to watch a lot of these B movies on a show called USA UP ALL NIGHT back in the day on the USA Network!

I miss seeing movies like this on a Friday and Saturday night hosted by Rhonda Shear and Gilbert Gottfried.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show!


Maybe not particularly good, but it's hardly the WORST movie ever made. At least, I've seen a lot that I think are far worse.

Granted, at the time of writing this, I'm only about 30 minutes into the movie. But I have enjoyed every second of it so far -- more than I can say about quite a lot of movies out there, even some of those rated above 5.

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