Thank god for the Brits!

As an American gay man I must applaud the British people. You really seem to have come to terms with sexuality; certainly you're decades ahead of us across the pond!

This movie and shows like Torchwood certainly speak volumes of how well the average British citizen handles gay love.

In America a mere same sex kiss gets a movie an "R" ratting. Even if these is nothing sexual or nude in the rest of the movie; now that is bigotry! I wish you could help our stogy government to grow up!

Anyway thanks for all the great movies and TV, the gay Americans really appreciate it!


"Anyway thanks for all the great movies and TV, the gay Americans really appreciate it!"

The straight Americans appreciate it, too! :)



In America a mere same sex kiss gets a movie an "R" rating. Even if these is nothing sexual or nude in the rest of the movie; now that is bigotry!
So I've seen!

I recently watched a documentary titled "This Film Is Not Yet Rated" detailing the secretive, inconsistent, and blatantly bigoted process(es) of the MPAA ratings board. (I found it on Netflix, it's probably available elsewhere, too.) If you decide to see it, be prepared to be incensed — and I mean steam-from-the-ears, flames-from-the-eyes infuriated!

One of the things the film did was to show clips of several pairs of films side-by-side showing similar activity. (i.e. couples kissing; couples in bed together; couples in various states of undress; couples having simulated sex — no visible penetration.) As you've already observed, the films with the boy-girl couples usually got PG-13 ratings while the films with same-sex couples always got an R.

The MPAA board president claims this and that and these and those. And the film-maker's detective work showed that almost none it is true.

And any attempt at appealing a rating is VERY HEAVILY weighted in favor of the board. (e.g.: The appealing party may NOT present examples of other films. The appealing party may NOT question the panelists who assigned the initial rating — nor even know who they are.)

Fortunately, at my age, I don't really pay a great lot of attention to ratings — or reviews, for that matter.

In democracy it's your vote that counts; In feudalism, it's your count that votes.
