The True Story Here

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Thank you. That was really interesting. What's even more interesting is how many liberties the producers of BAD TO THE BONE took with the actual account. The blog pointed out a few of them, but there are actually many more.

* The movie was set in Minneapolis instead of Chicago.
* The movie's plot took place over several months at the most, not several years as it actually happened.
* The racial makeup of the main characters was changed. (This is kind of understandable, since the filmmakers were probably worried that otherwise BAD TO THE BONE would be too much of a "Korean" movie.)
* While Andrew and Catherine Suh were immigrants (and bilingual!), Danny and Francesca Wells were the very model of all-American teenagers. (Again, this is understandable: Hollywood loves to play up the dark ironies being hidden by "Main Street.")
* Andrew was a very successful young man, while Danny was a bit of a loser.
* Similarly, Catherine was actually quite clever; Francesca was quite immature and only semi-competent.
* The mother was actually killed with a knife, not with a gun as in the movie.
* Francesca was given a quasi-sympathetic backstory that Catherine presumably didn't have.

What would have been even more interesting is if that article had delved a bit into what Andrew thought about the movie based on his and his sister's exploits. I'm not saying he'd be proud - who, aside from the most unrepentant criminal, would be? - but you'd simply have to have SOME kind of emotional investment in a piece of entertainment that takes its cues from your own life, right?


the movie is a lot more interesting than the true story. It was nicely done and very interesting


Yes, it was nicely done. No disagreement there. But a bit trite, don't you think?



I'm usually against movies changing from the true story/ book that it orginating from but few times it is actually done right, such as this movie. It wasnt fantastic but compared to other lifetime movies, this one is pretty good.And Kristy Swanson look gorgeous


Well, maybe "trite" wasn't quite the word I needed. A bit...."lifeless," maybe?

Seriously, we're never given any true insight into how the girl became such a bitch. Sure, we're shown a bit of her traumatic childhood, but then the movie seems to forget about this point and just has her doing bad things for the hell of it. The rest of the movie was good but the character's motivation was just kind of boring and sad. I think I picked up on some hidden things in the subtext, and if they'd just been more explicitly presented the movie would have been even better.

Once again, though, I agree that KS was gorgeous. Some people have complained that she was too skinny in this role, but that doesn't bother me at all.


I think your led to believe she had narcassist personality disorder or something along those lines. At least I picked up on that bc I'm a psyche major


No....I think there was something else - something the movie could only hint at because it was network TV, and the censors wouldn't have allowed it otherwise. Maybe I'm just that imaginative, but that's what I think. I elaborate on it some more in my "Were we supposed to feel pity for Francesca?" entry.


well I never felt bad for her, I nv believed her story. I assumed she was just saying that to get some attention/to piss off her mother. They nv elaborated on it so I just assumed that was the case. They have elaborated on this matter whether it have been molestation/beating before on other lifetime movies so I feel like the fact that it was on primetime wouldnt have made a difference. Theres some pretty distrubing movies on lifetime

Lurlynn: It's funny how things don't turn out..
Melanie:It's funny how they do.
